Superman rules. He’s all the way relevant again. He was introduced in an era when people understood very well the oppressive nature of their establishment, so the idea that a Superman could stand up to the bullies and save honest people from being victimized by their greed and selfishness made him very popular very quickly. Lex Luthor is essentially an abstraction of all the evils of capitalism although he’s typically framed as a corruptive influence rather than a product of his environment. Despite this framing, these days the audience might interpret the conflict between Lex and Superman a little differently than they would have twenty years ago. Timely reintroduction of a beloved character to mainstream audiences.
It’s pretty high stakes - it will dictate the future of all super hero media henceforth.
I’m sad
Have you tried not being sad?
Can confirm this works. When I’m not sad I’m not sad. Could be a coincidence though I guess
Yeah I’m doing not sad now as a matter of fact. I just scrolled too much the other day
Every not sad is a win