I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
Asphalt ploughman. I love wandering around city streets. Night and day.
When I was a young warthog, I needed my first username. I thought to myself “what’s cool, that I can base my name on?” “Gansters are cool!” “How about Al Capone? He’s cool. He is even a good person. He invented milk expiration dates or something like that.” “But I can’t just have that name, I have to make it cooler. I’ll write it using l337 speak.”
Thus, my username “alkpwn” (plus some numbers because it was taken on Xbox live) was born.
Quickly, I realized people didn’t always understand it. They would have trouble pronouncing it when they saw it in halo 2. From “Al capn” to “Alk pawn”, I got all sorts of pronunciations.
My friends ended up just shortening it to Alk. And here we are.
I really liked Shakespeare and Serious Sam.
A character in a short story about superheroes I wrote in high school
I’m basically ADHD in a meth pipe. And no, I don’t do drugs.
The movie Old by M Night Shyamalan. That characters name was just so funny.
Well I’m sorry, that doesn’t sound very fulfilling
Medic = paramedic
Pig = typical male
Baby saver = I’ve delivered 2 babies and helped my team save a 9 month old from drowning.
Well, I am my own inspiration I suppose.
Skip to the 1:00 mark. My buddy and I sold weed in high school, and we also loved this movie, so we called each other Santiago and Dunbar.
I had no idea… literally… in Swahili.
I grew up with the OG winamp and was trying to dissociate with the handle that I’ve been using across the web for 25 years, so…
The first two spoken words in this awesome Amiga game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tQHKbCxnGQ