No shit! I’d worry I’d be drinking polonium tea, get chopped up with a bone-saw and then buried on a golf course for a tax break.
No shit! I’d worry I’d be drinking polonium tea, get chopped up with a bone-saw and then buried on a golf course for a tax break.
Hmmm, I need to buy stock in Kleenex. The whole of the GOP must be jizzing all over.
He included police unions? He’s fucked. Republican voters don’t give a crap about teachers or firefighters, but he messed with the cops that they vehemently pretend to support.
That is absolutely perfect. *chef’s kiss*
Am I correct that that is him pointing and looking directly at the sun?
So I’m hearing you say this could be a self-solving problem?
Which is why Trump was so bent. He knew the fix was in and when he lost it had to mean that the other side cheated better.
There is no locking him up. Trump would just pardon him. The only solution to this is of a more permanent kind administered by one of the alphabet agencies whose agents he is going to get killed.
They can’t block nominations or stop the confirmations of his appointments. They are in the minority and the filibuster rule does not apply to this. They would need at least a few republicans to vote with them in order to block anyone. They couldn’t even get enough to block RFK and he is absurdly unqualified for his position.
They have also been slowing down procedures.
Hours after Mr. Trump was sworn in, Democrats agreed to the speedy 99-0 confirmation of Marco Rubio, their Senate colleague, to be secretary of state. But they have since shown that they are willing to use procedural tactics to slow other nominees even if they are destined for confirmation, including forcing time-consuming floor votes on action that is usually done by mutual agreement.
They have also been grandstanding and making noise about stuff. For example, Rep. Garcia brought a “dick pick” - a pick of Musk -to the committee headed by Greene to highlight her bringing a poster of Hunter Biden’s dick to the House last year.
The Democrats should not be letting Republicans get anything done. Republicans always manage to rule from the minority by just being obstinate little shits. The Democrats should at least try that.
As I said, they cannot stop the Republicans from getting anything done. They cannot use the filibuster on confirmations. They have 48 votes. Three Republicans have to cross over to block anyone. So far, Mitch McConnell is the only one to vote with them against RFK and that’s because RFK is anti-vax and Mitch had fucking Polio. They can use the filibuster when the Republicans try to pass regular bills, unless the Republicans decide to drop the filibuster rule altogether, which they may end up doing. We’ll have to wait and see.
In the House, the Democrats have already said that they are ready to let the government shut down on March 14th rather than support Trump’s budget plans. This is following the Republican playbook and I hope they do it. The only thing that is going to make a difference is if we get millions of people in the street fighting Trump’s agenda and maybe a government shut down will do that.
There’s only so much the Dems can do though when the voters handed the reins of the House, Senate and White House to Trump and the GOP.
He’s taking back $100 each from 2000 households. That’s $2 million dollars. They are supposedly trying to cut $2 trillion dollars in government spending. That’s 0.0001% of their goal. If you were trying to cut $1000 from your yearly budget, this would be 1/1000th of a cent or roughly the value of pocket lint.
Clearly, the cruelty is the point because there is no other tangible result from this.
P.S. I’m still working on my first cup of coffee so don’t be too hard on me if my math is wrong. I still stand by my assessment that the cruelty is the point.
Honest question here. What are they supposed to do that they aren’t doing? They are in the minority in the House and Senate and have limited options besides bitching about what’s going on and trying to draw attention to the criminality.
To be clear, the new Health Secretary:
We are looking down the barrel of a HPAI H5N1 epidemic and this is who is going to lead the nation’s health systems.
The downvotes are appropriate because this is not an article. There are other communities where a video should be posted.
Now having said that, I have to say that that kid does not like trump. At one point it really seems like he tells Trump to go away, and at another it seems like he tells him to shut up. He’s basically living my dream.
Wouldn’t be the first corrupt Democrat that Trump pardoned. Trump is more pro-corruption than he is anti-democrat.
Nobel laureate Paul Krugman warned that both Trump and Elon Musk have a history of not paying debts and that “if markets even suspect that this habit will extend to Treasuries, God help us.”
If any god were willing to help us a meteor would have taken out D.C. on inauguration day.
Yeah, because he and his buddies are shorting a bunch of stocks that are going to take huge hits. Don’t worry though, once the prices tumble and they make their money, Trump will change his mind and drop the tariffs and let the market recover for a bit. Then he’ll do it again with some other tariff.
That’s not entirely true. I am not a psychiatrist but it has been claimed many times, and it seems clear to me, that Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. That combined with hordes of followers that appear to consider him a living god makes him very, very hard to shame. On the other hand, if someone like Musk were to throw a few 10s of millions or even hundreds of millions into a campaign to turn right wing media against Trump, that horde could be turned against Trump too. If the crowds withered and he were vilified in the media, Trump would quickly crumble.
The grandiose/oblivious subtype was characterized by exaggerated self-importance, lack of remorse, interpersonal manipulativeness, seething anger, pursuit of interpersonal power, and pursuit of privilege.
This description of the grandiose/oblivious subtype of narcissism could not be more accurate in describing trump. He also could be in the vulnerable/hypervigilant subtype as that describes him well too.
Persons in the vulnerable/hypervigilant subtype were characterized by an exquisite sensitivity to what others are saying, a tuning in to every comment that might be critical, a shyness to the point where NPD could be confused with Avoidant PD, a proneness to shame and hurt feelings and a masochistic conviction that they have suffered more than anyone.
The linked article further states that suicide is not uncommon in people with NPD when they feel shamed or vilified.
Shame is often at the core of narcissistic individuals, who struggle with an acute sense of having failed in many aspects of their lives. They feel certain that others are thinking badly about them. When “caught” by someone watching them, a sense of painful humiliation may emerge. Seeing and being seen are central to narcissistic patients. They may feel that their secret sense of being “phony” or “fake” is now exposed. Suicide may feel like the only way out, especially after a devastating humiliation.
Being mocked in the media that he thrives on combined with vanishing MAGA crowds could very well be enough to push Trump over the edge and Musk is perhaps the one person in the world that could make it happen.
No, you and I know he has done many things. The MAGA cultists only know what their right wing media sources are telling them. Everything from a left or middle news source is all “fake news.” Musk has the financial resources to poison the well they are drinking from by getting Fox, et al to run endless stories about Trump’s corruption and incompetence.
Nice finish.