Everyone else: 311223
Everyone else: 311223
Company: You need to have everything ready before the start of your shift.
Me: Do I get paid for coming in early?
Company: No
Me: Okay, if I’m starting before my shift time then I am going home early to make up for the lost time.
Company: If you leave 1 minute early we have to deduct an hour from your wages
Me: leaves
Company: nobody wants to work anymore.
Companies have normalised wage theft but call it what it is. It’s theft.
Something rather cringe and obnoxious in hindsight was the over use of the word “ocd” It was quite common in media and in my circles for somebody to say “I’m so ocd” when referring to some perfectly normal thing they do like tidying bookcases and organising things.
It’s pretty cringy now and I’d never say it now. I feel bad for saying it… but hey personal growth I guess. I was in school/college at the time too so it was a long time ago. There were a lot of things that were common at school that I used to say that are definitely not pc nowadays and I accept that. I don’t pretend to be a perfect and morally righteous invidual. I have flaws as much as the next person
Natural, healthy, positive growth! Not growth for growths sake
I think it’s a lot more because the internet was a niche. It’s something your parents/family or weird creepy uncle wasn’t on. All these old memes still feel “untouched” by facebook and it feels like an in-joke. In other words memes felt more special.
4chan was onto something, once memes became mainstream they died… a little hyperbolic but they do lose their fun factor being more popular now.
Some information I have posted to Lemmy.World:
I am not a super code-literate person so bare with me on this… But. Still please becareful. There appears to be a vulnerability.
Users are posting images like the following:
And inside hidden is JavaScript code that when executed can take cookie information and send it to a URL address.
Among other things. At this time if you see an image please click the icon circled before clicking the link. DO NOT CLICK THE IMAGE. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately. It is better a false report than a missed one.
I have seen multiple posts by these people during the attack. It is most certainly related to JS.
Oh god… It reminds me of the velvet toilet seat Evan and Katelyn made as a joke… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2ORbHSQ5pw
Even the mother disapproved lol
Don’t meet your heroes