
Trying to centralize my fediverse use with kbin but still with (rarely used) accounts on:

Lemmy: @Ooops &
Mastodon: @Ooops

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Welcome to the German gerontocracy. The obsolute majority gives a fuck about anything other than living their remaining years as well as possible, conservative politicians have completely abondoned actual topics, positions and discussions for the most rediculous culture war bullshit imaginable and the media is parroting their narratives 24/7.

    Any actual progress is drowned in propaganda to reverse its effect (for example the law change to reduce co2 in the heating sector managed -after months of lies and desinformation- to create a massive boom in gas-heating instead).

    And just yesterday the CDU in opposition (and biggest party by polls) demanded to revert the EU’s ban on combustion engines (that doesn’t exist in the first place but is just a conclusion following co2 reduction goals) and other climate goals (including those implmentd by them years ago) because we can’t strain German people and the economy with “EV madness”…

  • Dir ist doch nicht etwa aufgefallen, dass die von der FDP öffentlich gelobte “Technologieoffenheit” schon im Erstentwurf enthalten war und sie das trotzdem nicht abhalten konnte, das Gesetz noch 3-4 mal zu blockieren um das, was bereits drin stand, nochmal zu fordern? Wie konnte das bloß passieren, wo es doch so subtil war, dass es professionelle Journalisten scheinbar nicht bemerkt haben?

  • Behind closed doors in the actual workings of the EU things are different.

    But there is an universal law that you can always dress unpopular but neccessary EU decisions or compromises as “Germany made us do it” at home and can always get bonus points if you tell the story how you bravely fought Germany to push through a popular EU decision.

    Basically the same propaganda for domestic a audience in slightly modified form that Orban has made an art form in Hungary.

  • Germany actually has a stricter domestic law already than what the EU is doing here.

    But reality of course never matters. As long as Europeans can tell themselves the fairy tale of how they successfully fought those bad Germans for every slightly positive achievement, they are happy. Even if it’s actually too little or meaningless or just virtue-signaling. Or several of those things combined…

  • Nope, it needs governmental regulations.

    Financing-wise renewable energy has long surpassed fossil fuels. It’s not capitalists in general blocking the change as they would make a lot of money. This is very specifically about a small amount of individuals making their money in fossil fuels and spending a lot on lobbying to slow the transition down as they try to squeeze as much out of their business model as possible before it runs against a wall they can already see (but try to hide from the consumer).

    The same is true in other sectors, for example in traffic where totally insane bullshit gets pushed (hyper-loops, air taxis etc.) as magical alternatives to actually working public transport. That’s also not some business that will ever make money. It’s a diversion by people who want to keep making money in a very specific field (CE cars) before that whole sector also dies off. Also the scaling effect in EV production as well as improvements and development still have a massive potential with much money to be made by the people investing into a still developing and growing market. Unlike the dying market of combustion engines that competes on miniscule optimisations of the status quo still possible. Yet the very same companies knowing that combustion engines are dead and not even working on developing a next line but instead focusing on electric drives, still do marketing like the opposite would be true so they can sell that trash with no future perspective as long as possible.

    There is quiet a lot to say against capitalism, but at the moment we don’t have a capitalism problem (at least not where climate action is involved) but one of corruption that helps a few people to keep failing businesses alive a bit longer at the expense of everyone including capitalists in the future businesses that will replace them.

  • Weil dann müßten sie ja etwas umstellen und nicht wie sonst auch immer weitermachen.

    Wein unter Photovoltaik, Mais rein für die Energieerzeugung abschaffen, und dafür dann sinnvollere Dinge anbauen wäre halt möglich und würde wahrscheinlich bessere Gesamtergebnisse einbringen. Aber das ist mit der Bauen-Ideologie oft nunmal nicht zu vereinbaren.

    Oder das ist schon wieder so eine deutsche Besonderheit, dass Weinanbau unter Photovoltik in Frankreich funktioniert aber nicht in Deutschland. So wie Wärmepumpen in Skandinavien funktionieren aber es in Detuschland dafür zu kalt ist…