No, they are the sticky notes of the file system. And unless I need a docx file, I’m not gonna wait for Microsoft Copolit 365 24/7 Cortana Ambiguously Named Office Word to wake from its eternal slumber.
No, they are the sticky notes of the file system. And unless I need a docx file, I’m not gonna wait for Microsoft Copolit 365 24/7 Cortana Ambiguously Named Office Word to wake from its eternal slumber.
Let’s not suck off the left too hard, they have some splaining to do for this mess as well.
That’s not gay, necessarily, lol.
I used to hate seeing thoughts and prayers crap, but as I’ve grown, I’ve become more tolerant, sometimes you see something and you cant do a thing directly to help and you just wanna put the reality of your feelings out into the universe, it’s a hope thing.
Some people under 50 yo would be good, do we have age distrubution data for the dem party?
Same reasons people didnt act in germany all those years ago. First apathy and that will transition into fear of reprisal.
2 male characters hang out “100% definately gay cause I said so.”
“I’m brand new to Linux, so I went straight to Arch.”
Whatever you say you fucking dumbass
People still treating this all like news from another planet. I am pannicked.
I can’t believe i never tried that. So much time wasted right-clicking and hitting values only.
I have no mouth and I must scream.