• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Nato is as much a “mutual defense” pact as sea lions are lions. These guys bombed Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq and countless other nations. The members of Nato have repeatedly cooperated with each other, using the military networks built through the alliance to wage proxy wars, perform coups, destabilise regions of the world at a scale never before seen in human history.

    You might as well call the axis a mutual defense alliance lmao.

  • But there are some in this thread who would pretend Harris is more pro-genocide than Trump, which is demonstrably false.

    Is it? She’s the one who is the VP of the organization funding the genocide. I don’t recall Trump directly funding genocide, even going out of his way to circumvent US law. Maybe he did, wouldn’t put it past him, but given the information I have at least, Kamala and Joe Biden are demonstrably, empirically more pro-genocide than Trump, who remember, has already been president in the past.

    Literally the entire political analysis of liberals on this issue is based on nothing but vibes. Trump is worse than Biden/Kamla on genocide because he has more bad guy molecules in his brain of some dumb shit.

  • You still didn’t answer the question.

    He did, you just lack reading comprehension.

    The ruling elite was the Communist party, mostly people near the top who were able to obtain key government positions that they would exploit for personal gain especially in later years of USSR.

    The Latter years of the USSR are notorious for being fucked, but this does not address the middle or early years.

    Mentioning that some guy was Ukrainian with in the regime while not mentioning Holodomor is OG 🤡

    Ah yes, the famine which affected all of the Soviet Union (and Kazakhstan more in terms of deaths per capita) which even the inventors of the narrative of genocide (Robert conquest) no longer call genocide.

    Must he nice being a communist while enjoying benefits of western society lol

    I love the benefits western society! I get to enjoy half my income go to some landleech and fund war crimes in the middle east! I can’t wait to see which climate change fueled disaster kills me, or maybe the fascist death squads will be the ones to do me in!

  • Complain more on the same internet invented mostly by the country you hate?

    Says the guy from the country which is by far the bigger drain of Industrial products in human history (you owe the planet something on the order of $50 trillion from the trade imbalance alone iirc). And that’s not counting for hundreds of millions killed from pollution, poverty, wars, co2 emissions and so on.

  • insurrectionist

    Insurrection against the US government is not a bad thing.

    nuke gaza, beating protestors, ensuring ukraine is wiped out

    This is happening right now under Biden. Casualties in Gaza are estimated to be on the order of 200,000 (the official numbers have stayed around 40,000 for so long now because the health ministry’s capabilities have been decimated). Protestors are being beating, not just in the US tbf, also across the whole of the “democratic” and “free” west. Ukraine has been utterly failed by the western powers who have opposed both a peaceful settlement to the conflict or fully committing. Once the war ends, it doesn’t matter if Biden or Trump is in charge. Ukraine will be looted again just like Russia in the 1990s.

  • There is no such thing as objective morality. One cannot observe that “harmful acts are objectively wrong”. The “wrongness” and “rightness” of an action aren’t observable, measurable or even well defined properties. It is possible to measure the duration of an action, the energy transformations of the action, the location of an action, ect, but not the morality of an action. What units would you even measure it in? Or is morality a dimensionless property?

    From a basic empirical observation of the effects of harm, one can arrive at a moral system based on objective reasoning.

    1. Is this objective moral system utilitarian? Deontological? There is no “objective” argument as to why morality should be either.
    2. How would your objective moral system weigh against incommensurate harms? Maybe its possible to compare the intensities of 2 different physical pains, but how would you compare physical pain with emotional pain? What about weighing pain between different people?

    In this way, ideology can be avoided.

    The obsession with being “non-ideological” and reducing everything to base science, also known as “positivism” is also an ideology.