I half expected this to end with jumper cables. Quite a ride, though.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
I half expected this to end with jumper cables. Quite a ride, though.
Just a small nit, I would say ‘much’ cheaper or ‘dramatically’ cheaper. Exponential refers to rate od change, not magnitude of change. Something increasing by 10% a year is exponentially increasing, something that’s just gotten bigger could be increasing linearly or not at all.
I do love it when you can justify using a different homophone than the etymologically correct one.
“eggcorns”. You can really do some fun ones. For all intensive purposes, they’re pretty much equivalent.
For clarity I use semi for 2x a period and bi for every two periods. I think everyone should. :)
I make sourdough bread biweekly-ish. Freezing it (after it’s had a 24-36 hour curing period) is fine. Toasts right back up.
Swearing an oath “in vain” is not allowed. Ie, don’t swear in the holy name and then go back on your word. As I understand it. That would be the mortal sin.
At one point I rebuilt a server by fully abandoning the package database and reinstalling everything as overwrites. Converted a slackware install into a Debian install in situ by cannibalizing it from the inside out. Pretty proud of that one, even 20 years later.
edit: oh gods… more like 24.
Debian stable, I guess, has both people sleeping on cruise control. Fine until it stops being fine, and then a flurry of activity.
Edit: or maybe a train. Boring, except for updates and dist upgrades.
I put it in the “teddy bear” category. If we see people with a teddy bear at the carnival, we’ll try the games
Spam us with getrich quick schemes and we fall in line…
That is not a fast process. Plus solar insolation won’t change. It won’t make up for the losses in the USA.
It runs perfectly under Proton via the Steam runtime for me. Genuinely- maybe try Linux?
So, they ignore Canada and refuse to support the people there. Greaaat.
It helps that he puts references to previous comics at the bottom of each. A few rabbitholes down the archives and you might find it funny!
Sluggy is still going! It’s a bit weird with convoluted lore though.
I’m okay with it as long as it’s not locked to the exclusive use of one entity.
Reminds me of a scene in Heinlein’s Starship Troopers where they explain the need for mobile infantry. All thr bombs in the world won’t let you hold the territory. For that you need the infantry, and always will. If I recall right.
So I’d say he missed the very fundamental point there that robots cannot win a war alone.
Bíum bíum bambaló, Icelandic song. Lullaby.
Yeah. This is a plot point used in a few stories, eg Carl Sagan’s “Contact”
The Long Dark. Something about wandering an icy wasteland scavenging, hunting, fishing, works for me.
That image is 100% the academic quadrangle at Simon Fraser University. Hah.