Today I filed a formal complaint against #YouTube with the Irish Data Protection Commissioner for their illegal deployment of #adblock detection technologies.
Under Article 5(3) of 2002/58/EC YouTube are legally obligated to obtain consent before storing or accessing information already stored on an end user's terminal equipment unless it is strictly necessary for the provisions of the requested service.
In 2016 the EU Commission confirmed in writing that adblock detection requires consent.
This is frivolous and ridiculous.
If europeans had spent as much time building youtube competitors as they spent trying to find holes to litigate, europe would be richer
There are plenty already, why aren’t you using them?
there were . Does dailymotion still even exist?
It’s easier than ever to host things now, but EU laws ensure it would be sued to oblivion and die within a month.
Are you aware that Dailymotion, arguably Youtube’s most serious competitor, is a French company?
We did just what you suggested.
Now it’s time for internet giants to play by the rules (e.g., privacy-wise, tax-wise), or there will never be room for competition.
good thing that it is tiny so it is not affected by the DSA