This petition is part of the campaign led by Scott Ross (Accursed Farms), to end in Australia the practice of software licensors to render purchased software completely unusable at arbitrary points in time.
This petition closes relatively soon so please get the word out to your fellow mates.
Thank you!
Do we own what we buy or do we just rent everything until someone decides to take it from us?
Even if the legal conclusion ends up universally being, “own nothing and be happy”, it will be a step up if any country can get games-as-a-service type software to display upfront an expiry date or minimum guaranteed usability date. People will be more informed in what they’re actually getting, and companies can find ways to make their game usable for longer (like an offline mode or dedicated server self host file) so that they can avoid needing to put the date on.
It’s sad that that’s probably all we can hope for, but it is what it is. The playing field is not even remotely level. Fight and scrape just to get the bastards to be transparent about their thievery.
Almost makes you want to fly the skull and bones.
Watch them object to that ad on the grounds it would ‘impact sales’. Meanwhile the point makes whooshing sounds over their heads