Here’s some uplifting news: the people of LA have voted and are aggressively backing safer streets. Change, even if slow, can happen.

“Under HLA, not only is the city obligated to install elements of its Mobility Plan, which can include bike lanes, bollards, daylighting, and wider sidewalks, but it must also track progress for the public online. It if [sic] fails to do so, residents can sue.”

    7 months ago

    Ha! I just went to LA a couple months ago for an emergency and commented how easy it was to navigate without all the BS obstructions and distractions. Just simple, intelligent roads with predictable rules for all; everyone making do. Gosh it was like setting a game on easy mode where reason made sense again.

    Then I got home to new “no right on red” signs, bike boxes nooooobody will frigging use in this town ’ cuz they can’t be bothered to stop, and an email from city planning telling me the dangerous changes they made are not their liability so it doesn’t concern them. Don’t bother down voting, I know where I posted this.

    Welcome to maximum stress, chaos, and pitting your citizens against each other LA. Tips hat to you