Recently visited York (UK) and they have a fantastic bus system - and they’re electric.
Busses in my city are also going electric. So far only the local routes. The longer distance routes are still diesel
This is the propaganda I can get behind.
And with trolleybuses powered on a renewable grid, it’s zero gallons!
And never mind the rampant spread of bedbugs and disease, being exposed to violence and sexual assault, risking being arrested simply for angering the bus driver, being made late to work or even missing it entirely because of bus breakdowns, route changes or cancellations, or any number of problems that are more easily rectified with an electric car or a bike
Yeah man because these are all inherent issues and not at all to do with the implementation
Yes, they are inherent issues. You can’t control who goes on that bus and therefore can’t guarantee the safety of passengers. You can’t control whether buses break down or if the routes will change or not, so you can’t guarantee riders will get to work on time, if at all. And in many cities, bus service is so poor that jobs will not hire people who ride the bus for those reasons.
You also can’t stop people from spreading bedbugs and disease, and we all saw how well you reacted to that during covid.
Accept that you’re just wrong on this. No matter how much you want buses to be a viable solution, they just aren’t.
Ok, I’m curious if you think all mass transport is just a no-go then. What can be done?
Electric cars, of course
It makes a good point but only if your country actually has public transport.
If you live somewhere with zero public transport, the car is your only option.
That’s why the post advocates for public transport. So that we can have better options.
Now consider an electric bus
Now consider a trolley.
Are there multiple tracks?
Well, there’s two. Only problem is the often obstructions and questionable breaking system
That’s great when all those people live in the same block and go to work at the same company and have the same hours.
But Frank lives 10 miles away and works on the other side of town. And Tim lives 3 towns over and works the night shift. Bill lives in the country and works 40 miles away. Eddy lost a leg in the war and while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station, can’t walk that far with his disability.
When it is convenient, it is convenient, but there’s a reason why when given the choice, most normal people will drive their car instead no matter what the nonsense in this subs likes to pretend is real.
Maybe your public transport infrastructure needs improvement? I don’t think this post wants to judge you— it’s advocating for public transport to be paid more attention. My cousin lives 3 towns away from her workplace— she commutes with a bus or jeepney. We have either buses, vans, or jeepneys; combined they operate 24/7. Hell, my university has students more than 5 municipalities away, the buses start operations early in the morning. Our classes start at 6:30 AM. Oh and btw, our buses have routes more than 300km. Maybe even more. Regarding Eddy, we have something in my country called a motorela or a tricycle, that operates locally in neighbourhoods. He won’t have to walk far, he just has to wait for one and let it deliver him to a waiting area.
Not only that, there are buses intended for long and short routes. So even if you live some towns away, your bus won’t have to stop as often.
VPN uses 0 gallons.
Acktually, to use a VPN, you would need to turn on your PC or phone, which uses a small but existent amount of petrol -🤓
Hydroelectricity, nuclear, wind and solar BABEEYYYYYY!!!
Hydro destroys environments, uses enormous amounts of concrete and the related disasters have killed orders of magnitude more people than nuclear.
Nice. I have to travel like 17 miles to the nearest bus station. This fixes everything! /s
Better off with my own vehicle when it’s only like 8 miles to work. I’d be literally wasting 9 miles to the bus station and 9 miles back in my own vehicle to even get back and forth to the bus station.
Edit: Seriously, have any of you tried traveling 17 miles to the west, only to catch a bus going 25 miles to the east, passing your own town to get to work? Then going 25 miles back, only to have to drive your own vehicle back home, because the bus don’t stop there?
Better off just taking my own vehicle to work.