• GrindingGears@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    It sounds like you are in a good place, and are satisfied. For what it’s worth, IMO, just stay happy. If that means staying where you are, you don’t gotta impress nobody but yourself. So don’t worry about all the other noise. Always keep one eye on the prize, like in today’s professional world, you always have to be prepared for the rug to be pulled up from under you with a layoff or if the company hires a new boss for you and they are a zeeb, but once you got that concern appropriately hedged, always put professional well being above everything else.

    I left my last job to make double what the previous one paid, and my job is a nightmare job. Each successive job pays me more, makes me more miserable, the people are always worse and more money just means more problems. Money ain’t everything, and I mean it. Make enough to survive, live your happy idea of a perfect lifestyle, save for rainy days and retirement, and the rest is just noise.