Alt text: a text post that reads: Work in retail long enough, and you’ll eventually realize the rules for dealing with Customers are exactly the same as dealing with the Fae:

  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Never reveal your full name.
  • Accept nothing They offer you.
  • Never verbally agree or disagree with anything They might happen to say.
  • To apologize is to acknowledge a debt owed.
  • Under no circumstances are you ever to thank Them.
  • Remember that They are incapable of reading signs in human languages.
    4 months ago

    … I don’t work with customers and that’s exactly how I deal with by coworkers.

    And people I randomly meet throughout the day (including eg employees at a store).

    For me these are just rules on how to deal with humans.

    Now if I see a cat that’s a completely different story:

    • I’ll maintain eye contact (and blink slowly),
    • give them my full name and address for purposes of visiting,
    • will accept headbutts,
    • will actively agree with their meows & acknowledge just how right they are,
    • will apologise when I eventually have to leave,
    • will thank them for their time (with some more pats),
    • will live in the knowledge we fully understood each other in our little talk.

    Additionally I will vow to visit again.

    4 months ago

    Trouble with the last one is that most of them can, so you can have a full month of getting used to people obeying signage only to suddenly deal with a dozen different customers who will not only ignore a sign placed at eye level saying “We Are Closed” but will pry open the door (if possible) and scale a full barricade to get in, and when you track them down and tell them what the damn sign said they insist that you should have put the sign somewhere obvious and that it’s actually your fault that they didn’t know they were breaking and entering.

    4 months ago

    My first job was in a grocery store deli, and let me tell you that is the worst job to have if your mental health sucks. My last few months there were spent hoping to get hit by a bus so I didn’t have to go to work. My last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. The customers I dealt with were some of the meanest people I’ve ever interacted with, all over a $7 bag of gross fried chicken and pasta salad.

    This was a several years ago, I have since gotten a job in IT that doesn’t make me want to die, but this reminded me of one of few funny stories from my time in the deli:

    Remember that They are incapable of reading signs in human languages.

    We had a Lemon Capellini salad available. Capellini. Big sign in front of it, can’t miss it. Pronounced exactly how it looks. Capellini.

    More than half of the people who ordered it could not say that word. A lot of people would stumble through the first two syllables and give up. Some people would throw in some extra letters and create a new word on the spot. Most people avoided saying the word entirely (“lemon salad”). At least one person asked for “lemon speghetti,” and I think I had two or three people ask me how it’s pronounced.


      4 months ago

      Are you me? Same story here, grocery store deli turned IT. Rotisserie chicken grease is a smell I will never forget. That and the people who ask for chipped meat, they can all fuck off and just buy a block of meat and a cheese grater.

      Wasted 3 awful years of my life doing that shit.

    4 months ago

    when you are closing up, fully pull down the shutter and lock it… otherwise fuckers are just going to barge in.

    if there are still customers in the shop, they can ask you to let them out.

      4 months ago

      when you are closing up, fully pull down the shutter and lock it… otherwise fuckers are just going to barge in.

      if there are still customers in the shop, they can ask you to let them out.

      they are weak against Iron

      4 months ago

      Me too. God bless the Appalachian mountains.

      I’ve probably met more mouth breathing, lead paint eating morons (myself included. As a matter of fact, at one time I was a t-1000 Liquid Metal mercury from 50 thermometers in my hand moron) than most people will ever encounter in 10 lifetimes. I can count on one hand just how many of those people were truly bad people.

      If I have a visibly heavy load at work, it can be annoying how many people wander up and say, “hey ‘ere buddy. Yew gawn need inny hep wittat? I’ze just checkin’.”

      Open the hood of your car and you can summon an entire neighborhood. For real, need directions in the Appalachians, just stop somewhere with houses, open your hood and spend a few minutes staring at your engine.

    4 months ago
    • Time flows strangely around them: You’ll get trapped in a conversation for 30 minutes, but when you look at the clock only 5 minutes have passed.
      You could swear they only arrived 2 minutes ago, but they have been “waiting for an hour!”

    • Do not shake their hand lest they trap you in their embrace. (From experience)

    • In order to banish them you must deny them 3 times (at least)

    • They have an obsession with the power of names. “Do you know who I am?” Or “I know (owner’s name)” will be used as if the words have power on their own.