Wow, that’s awesome! I was very sad without the clickbait articles. I was staring at Firefox thinking “i wish it had a cluttered start page with clickbait articles and sponsored content like MS Edge” - and then with this new update the devs nailed it! Thanks!
That’s really perfect!
Are you paying for firefox or getting it for free? From where do you think they get money to pay salaries other expenses?
you might say oh but chrome is also free but its not, you just pay with your privacy
Mostly google, actually.
And its a scary thing.
no matter how many down votes I get, I still insist that firefox should be self dependant as long as it doesnt come at cost of violating my privacy
Advertising in my private space on my private hardware in my private software in my private time is an invasion of my privacy. Anyone forcing ads into my domicile is invading my privacy. It’s MY space, not yours.
im pretty sure the whole point of firefox is you dont do that.
i have the feeling that a feature like this makes a very little money that compared to the millions that google gives to be the default is a drop in the ocean
probably this won’t be enough to even pay the CEO salary