The Israeli government on Monday screened for 200 members of the foreign press some 43 minutes of harrowing scenes of murder, torture and decapitation from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed, including raw videos from the terrorists’ bodycams.

The footage was collected from call recordings, security cameras, Hamas terrorists’ body cameras, victim dashboard cameras, Hamas and victims’ social media accounts, and cellphone videos taken by terrorists, victims and first responders. Over 1,000 civilians were slaughtered by the terrorists, and at least 224 people were abducted.

In semi-related news, the IDF claim to be holding over 1000 bodies of Hamas terrorists who entered Israeli territory on October 7th.

    1 year ago

    If there was indiscriminate bombing

    So it’s targeted bombing that has killed 2500 children so far in this past two weeks? You’re saying that Israel is intentionally targeting children? You realize that’s worse, right?

    I’d suggest that they return the land that they stole from Palestinians, dismantle the settlements and outposts on occupied land, and end the blockades in Gaza. And then punish their citizens that attacks Palestinians, burn Palestinian homes and olive groves, and seize Palestinian land. And hey!, maybe gave Palestinians a real vote in the knesset, since they seem so opposed to a two-state solution. As it stands, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians do not have a say in their own governance.

    Are Palestinians supposed to ignore the constant attacks against them by Israelis, and by the IDF? Why do you expect Palestinians to turn the other cheek, but not Israel?

    You take power from Hamas by giving the people what the people want, and what they deserve. You remove their cause of action from them. You agree to their reasonable demands, and you share power with them. You try to correct the historic injustices perpetuated against them by the Israeli government.

    But Israel won’t do that, because the far-right politicians that are in power–and the majority of the people that keep voting them into power–equate anything that is anti-Zionist to being anti-semitic.

    We see this same thing in the US with black people, with Native Americans. When they protest peacefully, they’re ignored. When they protest violently, they’re thugs and murderers. There’s never any real interest by those in power in correcting the injustices that led to the protests in the first place.