• davidagain@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I can’t help feeling that Elon had one of his “you’re all useless and fired” moments with a designer who pointed out some fact or other about aerodynamics and broad appeal, and Elon just said. “It’s easy. Give me a pen… Look. There you go. Truck. CYBER truck. It’s so cool. I told you it was easy.”
    They said “OK we’ll use this style and flesh it out into a design the engineers can work to.”
    “No, just give them this. This is how it should look.”
    “No, who’s in charge here? Do you want to be fired too? It has to look like this. Make it like this. Otherwise you’re fired.”
    “OK I’ll give it to the aerodynamicists to get it to work as close as possible to this.”
    “WTF?! Don’t give it to those idiots, JUST MAKE IT LIKE THIS. If it DOESN’T look JUST LIKE THIS, you’re FIRED.”
    “OK Elon.”
    “It had better FUCKING LOOK LIKE THIS.”
    “Got it, Elon. Exactly like this.”