Just wanted to surface this comment, because not enough people are cognizant of the fact that adblockers do their job and prevent any PPA submissions.
Just wanted to surface this comment, because not enough people are cognizant of the fact that adblockers do their job and prevent any PPA submissions.
Does it actually prevent all PPA submissions or just submissions for blocked ads, because they weren’t shown in the first place? If an ad managed to slip through, would the impression still be reported?
Should be both that the ads don’t get in and no ad related traffic gets out.
But the outgoing ad-related traffic (i.e. submission of DAP reports to aggregation services) is generated by Firefox itself, not some website. I don’t think adblockers have any influence on that.
I’m inclined to believe the multiple parties that have said that adblockers protect you from PPA.
Logic being that blocker won’t led the ad load?
So nothing to track?
Won’t let it load, so there’s nothing to send and even if something loads it will be blocked like when you try and visit a site in your blocklist.
Ublock is not 100% tho so there would still be some leakage tho?
According to the technical lead at Mozilla, there’s no leakage.
Just like today, yes.