• NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    If a comment is removed, you see the comment.

    If a user is banned from the instance, all of their content is deleted/hidden if the appropriate box is ticked. To no surprise, the lemmy.world modlog is completely broken and I can’t get it to load any bans., But https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/557 is the feature request/MR that provides this capability to all instances.

    So let’s say somebody says something that one of the admins doesn’t like. They ban the user for some “valid” reason and then automatically delete all evidence. So a pedo being banned for being a pedo? Good. Someone who questioned a policy change being called a pedo and being banned? Hope the wayback machine scraped the site, I guess.

    Lemmy is nice because it is the vibe of the old vbulletin and pbboards of the 00s. It also has almost every single one of the problems of those boards.

    But, again, it is just hilarious to see this being argued in a thread about the CCP. “Its cool. All the online records say this was justified and that so and so never existed”

      • NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
        8 months ago

        I suggest just reading up on the feature.

        But said deletions bypass the modlog entirely. I don’t know what happens to previous content that was in the modlog for other reasons, but the offending comment will never even enter it.