I’m tired of mosquitos biting me. If i can’t stop them biting me, the next best thing is to stop them biting me a second time. So what’s the best (safe for me) way to make myself poisonous to mosquitos, and optionally other bugs that might bite me?
The trick is finding a pesticide that the LD50 for mosquitoes is less then humans and take an amount constantly to maintain lethal to mosquito blood levels that isn’t lethal to humans.
If you want more details I can’t help because this idea is really dumb.
Permethrin clothing. Works fucking amazing. I have a jumpsuit treaded with it, kills ticks, mosquitoes, black flies. Not just repel but kill on contact!
Your link is about a medicine/spray. Where are you finding the clothing?
I’ve treated my hunting clothing with permethrin when we were going to an area that was known to have an extremely heavy tick population. We had a spray bottle of the stuff, and did a thick coating all over our outer gear, and then allowed it to dry. Permethrin is fairly low toxicity for humans & dogs, but absolutely killer for mosquitoes and ticks. Worked like a charm!
Army combat uniforms even come pretreated with it.