It feels like social media fakeness is seeping through into real life more and more. and every one is working harder on perfecting their façade ?

what do you think ?

    11 months ago

    As in misinformation and decimation of fictitious information yes social media has given everyone a megaphone. It’s also easier to find people who have similar conspiratorial views and spiral down into believing and contributing to fake news etc. and the general feeling that you can trust something to be real and not something yelled at you from a big megaphone.

    As with individuals, I’m not sure where I read it first and I don’t feel like googling it now but…

    Everyone has three selves: a public persona, a private persona and a personal persona.

    Public is strait forward it’s the face/mask/personality one has in public with strangers, acquaintances, and some work colleagues.

    Private is your personality with very close friends and family. Things you would not do or say in public but would around your close circle.

    Personal is the inner you that you share with no one. Your inner thoughts, your conscience, your inner voice and inner monologue.

    This is generally by a spectrum that blend into one another and change over time rather than three separate buckets. As you get older and more aware of these different perspectives some people act more like they are buckets not a spectrum. These people seem much more fake especially if you ever see their public and private personas. You may have just seen this for the first time.

      11 months ago

      You touched on something that makes sense, but for me personally it takes more than just having different public vs private personas for a person to seem fake.

      Many people naturally have a different demeanor or way of interacting in public than private, which doesn’t necessarily make them seem fake. What feels fake is when you can pick up on a deliberate or curated public persona, especially if it’s being done deceptively or for some material gain.