Games are art, and art is valuable for how it enriches.
Not all art is good art, and there are plenty of games that no one is trying to preserve.
Capitalism is currently also killing off lots of non-video game art that it can’t profit off of. Tons of old shows, movies, books, and music are out of print, and being held and often lost by the IP holders.
If we allow art to become solely a vehicle for generating profit, we are going to lose out on so much beauty, talent, and history.
Games are art, and art is valuable for how it enriches.
Not all art is good art, and there are plenty of games that no one is trying to preserve.
Capitalism is currently also killing off lots of non-video game art that it can’t profit off of. Tons of old shows, movies, books, and music are out of print, and being held and often lost by the IP holders.
If we allow art to become solely a vehicle for generating profit, we are going to lose out on so much beauty, talent, and history.
See: Current so-called “AAA” developers putting out absolute trash chasing trends and abusing existing IPs for nostalgia profit.