After a system start today, I was suddenly prompted with KDE Wallet requiring a password. I have not needed this before, and I could not seem to enter a password it would accept (“Error code -9: Read error - possibly incorrect password.”). I can’t remember setting this up, but it might have been something I did when I first set up my system. However, I would either have remembered it or stored the password in my main password manager, and there is no trace of it there.

To fix this, I created a new wallet and set that to be the default. Now, it works, and it is generally fine as it was not used for much, but I have one big issue: Signal used kwallet as its credentials manager, and now I can’t open the Signal database.

Before I accept my losses and recreate the database from scratch, I wanted to know if anyone have experienced anything similar, and if there are some tips to restoring the original keychain? As I said, I don’t know the password, so my guess is that I’m outta luck…

    3 months ago

    Probably doesn’t help for recovery, but you can set an empty password and use polkit-based access control for wallets. You just need to check the box that says programs need to ask for access in Settings > KDE Wallet > Access Control Tab (not KWalletManager). Afterwards you will get a popup the first time they do and can then choose to give them permanent access.