I want to know Carl Sagan too.
In the biblical sense?
I can safely say, that to know him, was to love him. And to love him, was to know him. Those who knew him, loved him, while those who did not know him, loved him from afar.
In object oriented onthology, to know is him is to be him.
That’s 2010 hippy mumbo jumbo – to know his name in an associated-array is more than enough to know it is him
Well ain’t that a pickle. It all depends on your knowledge.vs.belief position when it comes to the topic of afterlife.
“An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.”
― Nicholas Butler
This is a real picture of Sagan, taken right after he memorized the recipe for an apple pie.
If you thought that science was certain - well, that is just an error on your part.
Richard Feynman
I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.
Source unclear, often attributed to Richard Feynman.
i don’Ł wanŁ Ło beliere
Honestly pretty aesthetic way to write the ‘t’. Bet it feels great too.
… and if I can’t find the answers, I want to accept what I don’t know or will never know
It all goes back to a prayer or mantra I learned a long time ago in addictions recovery
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference”There are a lot of old timers and religious people who originally started this with the word ‘God’ but in recent years, it’s been changed by some to allow a less religious connotation. It doesn’t mean anyone is less religious, or less spiritual, or better or worse … it is just an acceptance of things we can’t change, having the courage to change when we should and having the wisdom to know the difference.
It’s a mantra and a saying that I live by.
I think this is already contained in Stoicism, an important root of Christianity.
Who doesnt know anything, has to believe everything
How about I want to have my inference process to negate error bound to my priors?
This is why people preferred Mulder.
Mulder wasn’t blind faith, though. Mulder was, “I know I saw some shit and I’m gonna prove it’s real.”
You can only know that at the present moment a doubting being exists. Anything else is just empirical, and therefore not true knowledge.
– Marcellus Wallace
I was trying to find out what year this was from, hoping for the possibility at least that it was a dunk on X Files. Instead I found totally not automated, manually curated pages like this:
Quote Catalog - https://quotecatalog.com/quote/carl-sagan-i-dont-want-N70xy37/
Is always good thing tho check the sources 👍
Is that nail rotted or maybe it has a fungus? Eww
My bet is white level adjustment was done across the entire image rather than “where they wanted it” and fingernail shadows got wild