A few months ago, I would’ve said how people try to engage you in good faith and how people would read walls of text and engage
Lately I feel people are scared and angry. Which is totally reasonable, but has some of the best parts of our communities
We also probably got a lot of new refugees and more interest from botters… But I used to get love with near every message I posted. Or at least honest engagement. Now? I get way less replies, and way more of them are reading into something I didn’t say
See this is why we have to stand up for blueberries— this guy just spouts off with his hate for blueberries— it’s just unwarranted. He can have my love when he gets his hands off my blueberries.
A few months ago, I would’ve said how people try to engage you in good faith and how people would read walls of text and engage
Lately I feel people are scared and angry. Which is totally reasonable, but has some of the best parts of our communities
We also probably got a lot of new refugees and more interest from botters… But I used to get love with near every message I posted. Or at least honest engagement. Now? I get way less replies, and way more of them are reading into something I didn’t say
See this is why we have to stand up for blueberries— this guy just spouts off with his hate for blueberries— it’s just unwarranted. He can have my love when he gets his hands off my blueberries.