Animals are great! They’re adorable, they’re fun, they’re cuddly, and they just bring a lot of positives to our lives. But sometimes, they can do things that drive us absolutely nuts.

For example, my cat likes to announce whenever she’s doing anything. Needs water? Meow loudly her whole way to the water dish, meow at the water dish, meow when she’s finished drinking, and meow the whole way back to her bed as loudly as she can.

So, what obnoxious thing does your companion do that you really wish they didn’t?

    8 months ago

    Had a miniature poodle go blind at my parents hiise when I was 17/18 and he was peeing everywhere in the house suddenly.

    Spent a day watching and realised he was laying scent markers for navigation.

    Cleaned up all the wee and started tagging the left side of every doorway with a different herb/spice (basil, thyme, Rosemary, paprika etc). Just grabbed some dried herbs and rubbed them in the bottom left of all the doorways.

    Took the dog through the house on a lead, and let him smell each door and took him outside.

    Pretty much stopped the inside peejng, unless we forgot to replace the herb/spice rubs, or mixed up which herb went where when we reapplied…

    My friends started calling my place the KFC shack.