It was my go to dynamic DNS provider for years, but after noticing that it would take a good few seconds for my Jellyfin instance (among all the other stuff I self host) to load, I traced the issue down to duck DNS taking too long to resolve.
I switched to using ddclient in docker which updates my own domain’s records on Cloud flare with my dynamic IP. Now things load instantly.
I didn’t say it wasn’t, but it does not make for an acceptable user experience when you are hosting things for friends and family. Most people expect web services to just work.
I felt it was worth people knowing before setting it up. Cloudflare is also free and all you have to do is pay yearly for a domain. It also has much better uptime.
There’s always other free options like duckdns, etc.
Duckdns is not stable enough. You’ll have downtime multiple times a year.
It was my go to dynamic DNS provider for years, but after noticing that it would take a good few seconds for my Jellyfin instance (among all the other stuff I self host) to load, I traced the issue down to duck DNS taking too long to resolve.
I switched to using ddclient in docker which updates my own domain’s records on Cloud flare with my dynamic IP. Now things load instantly.
It’s a free service, I think that’s fair.
I didn’t say it wasn’t, but it does not make for an acceptable user experience when you are hosting things for friends and family. Most people expect web services to just work.
I felt it was worth people knowing before setting it up. Cloudflare is also free and all you have to do is pay yearly for a domain. It also has much better uptime.