The case centers around Samantha Liapes, a 48-year-old woman who turned to Facebook to find an insurance provider.
I’m sorry, whatnow?
So now if I search for car insurance and Facebook shows me ads for a buttplug from Kickstarter, I can sue them? Because we’re all going to very rich, if so.
That’s how I shop. I scroll through loads of random thoughts and pictures by friends and family and people I barely know until someone tries to sell me insurance. What’s the problem exactly?
I’m sorry, whatnow?
So now if I search for car insurance and Facebook shows me ads for a buttplug from Kickstarter, I can sue them? Because we’re all going to very rich, if so.
That’s how I shop. I scroll through loads of random thoughts and pictures by friends and family and people I barely know until someone tries to sell me insurance. What’s the problem exactly?