Additional coverage:

USDA press release:

A new trail in Tahoe National Forest in California would permit Class 1 ebikes, after the Forest Service (part of the US Dept of Agriculture) concluded that:

Class 1 e-bikes are equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and ceases to provide assistance when the e-bike reaches the speed of 20 mph. Studies completed during project analysis indicated that Class 1 e-bikes are similar to traditional mountain bikes in terms of components, relative speeds and impacts to trails.

The inclusion of Class 1 e-bikes as an approved use on the trail expands access to individuals that may not be able to walk or ride a traditional bicycle as far or long.

As the new trail sections to be constructed would create a 72 mile (115 km) route, ebikes will prove useful to those hoping to make the full trek as a day trip. Other trails parallel to or intersecting this new trail would remain subject to their existing rules regarding ebikes, equestrians, and automobiles and motorcycles.