Standing on the bus stop, so, uh the road? But that wouldn’t be useful without the buildings and all the activities in them that bring people here. Or since the room could be considered the general “outdoors”, oxygen, or stuff like that.
Also now I’m in the bus, so the driver.
Nobody likes people not accepting responsibility for their own actions. Duh.
At the same time, who am I to say that something isn’t or wasn’t as hard on someone as they say? Shouldn’t we believe people when they say a thing is a burden for them? Doubly so if we ourselves don’t have first-hand knowledge of it, such as poverty, or race, or gender?
Yes, I have a close friend who sometimes irritates me by how she keeps saying she can’t do X because Y, or failed at Z due to Q, but in the end her feelings are true and valid even if they seem irrational to me. And she’s so much more than that.
I, like most of us on Lemmy, live a better life than almost the entirety of the rest of human history.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, the world and by extension you have been so kind to me and I turned out to be just this worthless waste of oxygen, my existence a net negative of epic proportions and yet I’m too cowardly to at least end this miserable experiment.
Life is full of wonders and joy and there’s so much more to enjoy!
Life is full of putting on a face and smiling and playing a well-adjusted individual and I’m so tired.
Welcome to depression-ville, population way too fucking many.
Ditto. Effing survival instinct.
I don’t know how the Play Store version does push notifications, but Molly, and I think the apk from their site, work just fine on degoogled phones without Google services.
I don’t remember what name it has, but missing it breaks push notifications on most “normal” apps. Many FLOSS ones are coded to have their own methods that don’t transmit data to Google, and it appears at least some versions of Signal do too.
My threat model doesn’t include state level actors taking an active interest in me, so for my purposes Signal would be secure enough, if only I got people to adopt even it.
We built our own civilization! With blackjack and hookers! And world class (or well above world class, since average world class tends to suck) cycling infrastructure!
Would have been great 20 years ago.
Luoja noita kommentteja.
Mutta joo, on ihmetyttänyt itseänikin miten ilmastonmuutoksen vastaisia toimia vastustavat eivät halua tehdä myöskään varautumistoimia.
Muhoksen palojen yhteydessä 2020 saatiin muistaakseni sammutuskalustoa lainaan Ruotsilta, onko nyt kalustoa lisätty sille tasolle että ainakin yksi massiivinen metsäpalo voidaan hoitaa normaalien tehtävien ohella jos naapurilla on omakin hätä? Onko kaupunkisuunnittelussa huomioon otettavat sademäärät ja tulvariskit ja niihin varautuminen päivitetty oikeasti realistiselle tasolle? Onko helleaaltojen vaatimaan sairaalakapasiteetin ylläpitämiseen kesällä varauduttu? Ym ym.
You mean this is not in addition to retirement income in some places? 🙀
European here, if my parents needed assistance I’d do my best to help them 100%. But that’s because they’re my parents, they can be thrifty, I know they’re not gambling addicts or spending it all on booze etc. Having to ask (not outright, but no longer strongly refusing my help or no longer dumping money on us at every opportunity to avoid inheritance taxes) would be an indicator that they’re already pretty desperate.
Lots of people aren’t as lucky regarding their parents.
It’s not even limited to the US. In Finland it’s called “pilluralli”, “pussy-rally”, and the general associations are of 18-19-year-olds of lower socioeconomical class.
My 14-year-old cat with white ears has a wound that doesn’t seem to be healing on one of her ears. One vet visit and 5 days into a 7-10 day antibiotic salve treatment it hasn’t clearly shrunk. At least it hasn’t grown either, and apparently at least squamous cell carcinoma of the ears is slow to metastise. But still. 🙀 Especially the FOSS version. Need to manually add the repository though.
Ace Attorney (nostalgia). I’m not weird enough to be a witness, the perp, or the wrongfully accused. If I was the victim I’d obviously be screwed. If I was a defence attorney my clients would be screwed. If I was a judge everyone but me would be screwed. Payne seems to make an ok living as a prosecutor although he sucks at it, I could do that. Or I’d just be one of those weirdoes cheering in the gallery, or an unremarkable resident of Japanifornia, which would both be fine.
Oh hell no. A fumbled 1, shambling back into sweet death-death within moments, possibly dragging him with me.
Yeah… I kinda think that’s an experience every omnivore should have. Raise something with your own hands, then kill and eat it. If you can’t do that, at least you now know your hypocrisy.
I’m a hypocrite, too.
The bulls, yeah, that’s a planned pick-up to a meat farm or to the slaughterhouse, easy to distance yourself from mentally AFAIK. Not the heifers you’ve named and intended to keep.
Some of my relatives have a dairy farm. One time they had to put down a young cow and had it cut for beef/veal for themselves, since it was so sudden and unplanned. They told the cow’s name, what had happened to it, what its temperament had been like. That was enough to make the eating experience weird and a bit offputting.
Amerikkalais-vasemmistopiireihin on Venäjän propaganda yllättävän hyvin purrut. Yritän muistaa että siellä ollaan koko ajan joka puolelta manipuloinnin kohteena eikä se tarkoita että ihmiset ovat idiootteja, mutta on se vaikeaa toisinaan.