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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Lvm could be the way to go. Start with the minimum amount of partitions (i.e. / and /boot and swap as lv, maybe efi as a real partition). Add additional lv later if/ when you need them. You can always re-size a partition and the wrapping lv when you want to re- distribute storage-space.

    I never needed more than these partitions. But that is just my use case.

    Edit: oh. Missed the Multi boot point. Forget what I wrote. :)

  • When I imagine Ralph, I see an outsider who is avoided by the other children and ignored by the teachers, with a loving but somehow helpless father. …being lonely , not being part of the group, not understanding the rules of the world around him.

    I think it has to do with the need for attention and closeness. When you lack it, you turn to the person who has already fulfilled this need for you. It’s hard to live with unfulfilled needs that you can’t fulfill yourself. I guess the key is to learn how to find a relationship where your feelings are reciprocated (and to find out when they are not). I know that feeling and I don’t have a solution.

    I don’t know whether this is a characteristic that is more prevalent in autistic people.

  • Thema: Effekt von weißem, rosa oder braunem Rauschen auf die Schlafqualität

    Hypothese: Rauschen überdeckt Geräusche, formt Gewohnheiten, macht das Gehirn müde (der Fachmann zweifelt am dritten).

    Metastudie/ Essenz:

    Wissenschaftler Basner und sein Team haben insgesamt etwa 35 Studien zum Thema Rauschen für den Schlaf ausgewertet. “Nach dieser Literaturarbeit mussten wir letzten Endes schließen: Man kann eigentlich im Moment nicht sagen, ob es funktioniert, ob es nicht funktioniert, oder ob es vielleicht sogar schlecht ist.”

    Edit: Quellen und Links gibt es keine. Danke Emily vom SWR.

  • Geht beides.

    Ich würde zuerst im Handbuch nachsehen, was vom Board unterstützt wird. Evtl. gibt es auch ne Liste von getesteten RAM-Modulen, die der Hersteller empfiehlt. (sollte aber jeder RAM laufen, der die Anforderungen erfüllt).

    Ob jetzt 4*8 oder 2*16 mit Option für späteres Upgrade - Preisvergleich anschmeissen und selbst entscheiden, was du lieber machen willst.

  • Defenestration
    Notable autodefenestrations:

    On July 9, 1993, the prominent Toronto attorney Garry Hoy fell from a 24th story window in an attempt to demonstrate to a group of new legal interns that the windows of the city’s Toronto-Dominion Centre were unbreakable. He performed the same stunt on several previous occasions – dramatically slamming his body against the window – but this time it popped out of its frame and he fell to his death. The accident was commemorated by a 1996 Darwin Award and has been re-enacted in several films and television shows.