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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Do you think the non-vegans in this thread respect you and like veganism more now after your behaviour here?

    Or do you think that they also think you’re a massive gaping asshole of a vegan?

    Who would consider joining this movement after seeing you trying to be the vegan morality police over a joke you didn’t like made by a fellow vegan?

    The standard for veganism that you’re trying to insist on setting here is socially controlling, demanding, manipulative and just plain unlikable.

    You’re really not helping the vegan cause with this behaviour.

  • So in order to placate the meat eating masses, vegans should never talk back to the meat headed trolls?

    Bruh a vegan having good comebacks to trolling isn’t going to tank the cause and my putting a troll in their place with a good quip isn’t going to make the meat eating bigots hate vegans any more or less. They’re going to hate us anyway, so why not let some vegans enjoy fucking with them back?

    Or you know, just get the fuck over yourself and stop trying to control people.

  • As a vegan, I would not eat lab grown meat.

    It’s mainly a texture/concept thing, my food needs to be safe from disembodied muscle, fat, skin, cartilage, bone, minced meat containing the combined flesh of thousands of raped and tortured carcasses, the faecal matter and bacterial colonies all meat is covered with, and the horrifying possibility of meat containing hidden cysts full of pus, bits of hair, teeth, genitals, eyeballs, parasites, tumours, zoonotic diseases, prions, etc.

    Lab grown flesh would hopefully be exponentially cleaner, and far less problematic than the current rape torture factories and abattoir system, but I will never be able to thematically seperate labgrown meat from what meat currently is, not enough to be able to put it in my mouth and chew it anyway.

    Also, all sentient life (as we know it) is made of flesh. Lab growing billions of disembodied chunks from a handful of sentient animals? There is still deep horror to this. Granted it’s on a completely different scale to the current system of livestock atrocities, but it’s still horrifying none the less.