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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think if they passed the legislation first as a trial and then if it went well put it through a referendum there would be more support.

    I’m not saying he would but he could just force it through legislation now, with the greens support and independents support, Pocock is in ACT who was the only place to vote yes, I think they have enough to pass.

    Sure it will go against the results of the referendum, or “the will of the people” but it will be a legal way to do it. I think if it went through legislation it would become like GST, deeply unpopular at the time but it just becomes fait accompli and noone would dare reverse it. Because once in noone wants the optics of being “the racist in the parliament” besides maybe ONP.

  • I hope you have that machine on a separate VLAN that’s completely firewalled, segregated from the rest of your network, with access to the internet but not the rest of your LAN.

    Because if it does then other devices on your network would be potentially vulnerable.

    I’ve worked with PC’s that are out of support and the company too tightarse to pay for windows updates. The LAN cable was unplugged and you could only access it by physically being on the PC, but it won’t work in your instance as you need the internet to play games.

  • Wow I hope you’re not doing your banking on that PC.

    Looking at the CVE for windows 7 after January 2020 (end of support)


    Doesn’t look pretty. Many exploits to give attackers elevation of privileges (administrator to your PC), remote code execution etc.

    These don’t require you to download “dodgy” software. It happens because parts of the windows source code isn’t coded to perfection (as with all software) and then the attackers exploit the code in a way not originally intended by Microsoft.

    This risk is elevated when the operating system is out of support because different windows systems share the same code base, so when Microsoft releases security updates and CVE reports to the internet, attackers can read these and find out how to attack unpatched systems even if they did not know about the exploit beforehand.

    So it’s imperative to apply the patches in a timely manner usually within 24-48 hours after release.

    On a side note windows 7 isn’t out of support, Microsoft is still releasing patches for it along with XP. Many enterprises have to use these operating systems for compatibility with their software, they are getting the updates because they’re paying Microsoft millions of dollars for them. So are you saying that other users of windows 7 are wasting their millions of dollars for “overrated” security updates?

  • For some unknown reason the parties are swapped in NSW.

    For example LNP in NSW would bring in policies that the Labor party would bring in other states, whereas the opposite is true for NSW Labor.

    NSW LNP had very good policies like the electric vehicle policy, electric vehicle charging grants, they are the party of infrastructure with the westconnex and metro projects up, Parramatta light rail.

    Whereas Chris Minns and Labor I’d actually compare Minns with the onion eater of all people. Very good at cancelling projects because he didn’t think of it first and provides no policies or thoughts of his own.

    Wanted to cancel the metro, whilst providing nothing in replacement (only saved because the project is too far to be cancelled), too scared to do anything in regards to housing policy, no pill testing is the latest one. Cancelled the ev grants. In fact I’m not sure of anything that they’ve done through their own policies since they came in. Hopefully an one term government because they seriously lack vision.

  • Actually for me it’s quite good. Get like 1/3 back from dental. Then a bit back from gym fees. Optical is another one I use regularly and I get a massage a year. And most importantly ambulance cover just in case.

    Granted one or two of them I would have skipped if I wasn’t paying private health (optical and massage).

    At the higher salaries if people didn’t want to pay the Medicare surcharge and having to buy junk policies they can funnel their discretionary income into investments, the costs of the investments can be negatively geared so you can earn for example a million dollars and only pay 90000 taxable income worth of tax (an extreme example I know). ASX, property, into the business etc. where you reduce your taxable income in exchange for gaining (investable) assets.

  • If China wanted peaceful unification they can have it tomorrow.

    Cede all power to Taiwan and they can be one country. They definitely won’t be bullied by Taiwan and unlike China Taiwan would accept differing opinions. It’s been done successfully before to a large extent. East and West Germany joined together as one country without the need for border fences or two systems in one country. Just imagine what a basket case of a country if it happened the other way around. 2 systems, border fences different currencies, declining standings on corruption, political freedom etc.

    But of course they’ll never do that. Because deep down it’s not the country they care about. They only care about the CCP itself.

    Edit: looks like the wumaos are in force, not surprising as a large number of them are otherwise unemployed now 😂

  • It’s not even internal strife. It all comes down to it’s now or never. If they let this opportunity slip by they will never get Taiwan.

    Their population is declining and there’s nothing that can be done about it in any meaningful way. Nothing has worked to get people to have more children. As they get older people of military age will decline.

    Right now this generation the males outnumber the females. Which means expendable soldiers. These people will never marry and benefit the state in anyway.

    The leverage China has is it’s consumers it’s one of the largest markets. But the Chinese buying things to support international companies is quite minuscule as a percentage of the population and will decline as time goes on, they get all the media attention that’s all . They’ve been struggling to boost internal consumption for years.

    And it isn’t that surprising. Chinese people are one of the most tightarse people ever. They haggle everything and that’s even if they get to the point of actually going to buy it. Spending money to make money usually doesn’t factor in.

  • I like NSW governments policy. Highrise depends on infrastructure and not how far it is from the CBD. But it is still not good enough.

    We have 220m+ in Parramatta which is 20km from CBD and from what I understand the application for it to be higher was denied because it was too close to the airport.

    Macquarie Park, Rhodes are new suburbs with 150m+ (definition for a skyscraper). Many others are getting 100m+, Olympic Park, Liverpool etc.

    So it is quite spread out already. Even places very far away from Sydney like Penrith, Rouse Hill, Edmondson Park and Leppington will be zoned for high rise.

    But we need to overhaul the zoning laws for the missing middle. In Sydney Bankstown to Marrickville and Revesby to Turella should all be up for 100m towers or maximum allowed due to proximity to airport.

  • I don’t get what’s so special about Grindr. I only knew about it because it was on the news one time and was known as the gay tinder ripoff. Even down to the name.

    If the app was known by something else that doesn’t sound like a Tinder ripoff most people wouldn’t even hear about it.

    Not my type of app so I’ve never used it but I can’t think of anything that tinder couldn’t do. All tinder has to do is to have a new column in the database

    All the other apps need to do is to check if the person’s gender== their preferred gender then that person is gay. If gay show people of same gender otherwise show opposite gender. Any app can do this.

    I hope they lose alot of revenue for forcing people back into the office.

  • Whether they do or not isn’t really the question. Can more be done? Yes of course. But Catalan, Occitian, Basque and Galician is co-official which affords them use as a medium of instruction, media usage, can ask for services from the government in those languages etc. How’s France doing for those points?

    And more importantly Spain has changed in the past 50 years. Keep in mind even half a century ago Spain was the same as France in terms of repressing cultures. France well, it’s still the same.

  • Well let’s start.

    In Spain the medium of instruction can be and is set by the regional government. Catalan, Basque, Occitian and Galician is used extensively as a medium of instruction in public schools (fully funded by the government)

    There’s extensive media which includes government owned media in those languages. And for government services you can ask for someone to speak to you in those languages.

    The languages are promoted and are co-official. I have friends from Galicia and have been there.