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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • Finance bros who run wall street are all idiots, so they designed a system where no matter how stupid they are, they’re always right. If you get a bunch of finance bros in a room and give a really good sales pitch, your valuation can triple despite nothing real actually happening.

    In the case of AI, even the foremost experts are uncertain about how useful AI is. Qualified people disagree and no AI based tool has really proved itself to be robust, but it is amazing at fooling people who are either dumb or willfully ignorant, so it’s like crack cocaine to anyone who works on Wall Street.

  • This can only be “normalized” in the same way that gambling can be normalized. You can also write an article filled with testemonials of people who want to elaborate on the positive sides of gambling. This is an article of someone under financial strain being roped in to spending hundreds a month that she’s hiding from her husband. It’s an unhealthy addiction and should be discussed as such.