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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Augustiner@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldEssential movies to watch
    3 months ago

    No particular order. Also, it’s movies that I watched, can’t speak on essentials that I might be missing.

    It’s kinda hard to make a list on essentials tho. Because your personal taste obviously plays a big role. I can’t see my girlfriend liking more than 10 percent of those…

    Schindlers List


    No country for old men

    The grand Budapest hotel

    The big Lebowski

    The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers

    Star Wars (the original one)

    Requiem for a dream

    Pulp fiction

    The good, the bad, the ugly

    The lives of others

    La vita é Bella

    All quiet on the western front (1930 version)

    The dark knight

    The Truman Show

    2001: Space odyssey


    7 Samurai

    Princess Mononoke


    Boyz N the Hood


    The Godfather 1, 2

    The Matrix

    Clockwork Orange

    Shutter Island

    Kingdom of Heaven

    Wolf of Wall Street

    Honorable mentions because they are popular and everybody always talks about them (I like a lot of them, too. Don’t consider them essentials tho):



    Fight Club

    Harry Potter

    Return of the King

    Rest of Star Wars (whatever people consider the good ones at last)

    Saving Private Ryan

    Django Unchained

    Toy Story

    The Lion King

  • How about chess? I know you said you are not really looking for video games, but chess to me is a bit different to video games.

    I had a similar problem to you a few years ago during Covid. I was very stressed and lonely and didn’t know what to do with myself. I am completely addicted to chess now. To the point that I play for like 4-8h a night sometimes. Time passes fast, especially in the shorter time modes. And if you are looking for a more low stakes, slow paced distraction you can play correspondents chess and think about your next move for 1.5 hours.

    Bonus: if i tell people that i play chess for over an hour every day, they often assume i am a genius, even tho I’m just a 800 elo idiot like most people

  • Augustiner@lemmy.worldOPtoApple@lemmy.worldM3 MacBook Advice
    7 months ago

    Wow, thanks for the in depth reply! Probably will do as you suggested and just buy the most expensive one I can afford.

    The reason I was a little scared of temperature issues is that my MacBook right now turns into a room heater as soon as I do something more complicated than using notes. To the point where it damaged the screen when I worked on an external display with the internal display closed. I’m very glad to hear that that doesn’t seem to be an issue anymore with apple silicone. It’ll be so nice to be able to use my laptop on my lap again!

  • Augustiner@lemmy.worldOPtoApple@lemmy.worldM3 MacBook Advice
    7 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback! Tbh, I’d also prefer the max, but I’m not sure if I can justify spending the extra money. The ones I picked are already stretching the budget.

    Is the better GPU really worth spending 1K more? Or do you think the ones I selected will do fine with the jobs I need it to do?

  • Für mich hat das nicht zwingend was mit Bildung zu tun. Ist zwar nur anekdotisch aber in meinem Umfeld gibt es genauso viele Akademiker wie weniger gebildete Menschen die auf Populisten wie Söder, Merz und alles rechts davon reinfallen.

    Meine Deutung ist, dass sich viele Leute mit der aktuellen Situation überfordert fühlen, sie sind unsicher, haben Angst oder sind wütend. In so einer Drucksituation wünschen sie sich einfache und schnelle Lösungen und ignorieren oft komplexere, unangenehme oder langfristigere Ansätze.

    Ein Rattenfänger wie Söder, der mit einfachen, aber oft sehr kurzfristig gedachten Lösungsansätzen um sich schmeißt tut sich deshalb bei diesen Leuten leichter.

    Das heißt nicht dass Söder die Sachlage nicht versteht. Ich bin mir sogar sehr sicher dass er sie sehr gut versteht. Er weiß aber auch, dass seine Wähler keine nuancierte Betrachtung des Problems wollen. Wer Angst hat oder wütend ist will einfach nur eine Lösung.

    Hinzu kommt noch dass diese Wähler meist selbst keine Einschränkungen in ihren Lebensstil haben wollen. Da viele von Habecks Ideen mit persönlichen Einschränkungen verbunden sind, ist er auch deshalb deutlich unbeliebter. Söder hingegen schreit permanent nach mehr, da ist nie von Einschränkungen die Rede. Außer bei Migranten und Drogen und das betrifft seine Wähler nicht.

    TLDR: Ängste, ohnmächtige Wut, Unsicherheiten und Egoismus sind Schwachstellen die von Populisten ausgenutzt werden. Diese Ängste mögen in bildungsfernen Schichten auf Grund einer schlechteren sozioökonomischen Lage weiter verbreitet sein, Bildung macht jedoch lange nicht immun.

  • I agree with your comment, even though I have no idea on the technical aspects. What I can weigh in on is crisis management, especially communication.

    Boeing needs to take control of the situation and actively start communicating and showing that they are working on fixing this thing. In Situational Crisis Communication Theory you would call it a rebuild approach. They tried denial, they tried downplaying, it’s not working. A rebuild strategy is usually the last resort, as things like admitting your mistakes and fixing them are rarely appreciated by investors. Furthermore it’s usually a huuuuge cost to do a recall on that scale. But Boeing need to show the public that they are actively working on improving the situation, to earn back their trust. So at least a partial recall should be considered.

    You’re exactly right in your first paragraph about the news. The media and the public are very sensitive to Boeing quality issues rn. These articles won’t stop unless one of three things happen. Either Boeing gets their shit together and gets some effective crisis management and communication done, the company goes bust, or something else turns up in the news that replaces this. The third option will be the most likely, but it will also haunt them forever. It’s like that exploding galaxy note 7 situation. There were articles about that for every new generation of Galaxy Note, despite Samsung doing pretty well in investigating the issues. And while the following Note phones sold alright, the whole thing was a significant loss of trust and money for Samsung and enabled competitors like Huawai to catch up.

  • What they do right is having a duopoly with Airbus, and great military contracts. So investors know that even if things are shit rn, they will probably get better again.

    Furthermore, while I agree that Boeing probably will not go bankrupt over this, the valuation sometimes is not a great indicator of what’s going on internally. Enron was worth over 60 billion. Half a year later they were at zero. Now I’m not saying Boeing is nearly that bad, but they are in some trouble for sure.