• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Awesome! Thanks for the effort!

    We dont mind that it eats the spiders here, they are huge and scary :p

    We ended up at Madagascar because it was my long live dream. I studied biology and arranged a place for my thesis. However for my bachelor I heard I wasnt allowed to travel outside of Europe. And for my masters there wasn’t anyone educated highly enough to supervise me.

    So when we were brainstorming for our honeymoon, my now wife came with this idea. It has been an amazing trip so far, but also quite intense. A lot of travelling in a 4x4, long days and early rises. The people here are quite poor, and that makes the travel a bit conflicted. But my biologist heart is really happy. We have seen amazing animals and visited wonderful places.