I thought it was the three branches of science? Dinosaurs, Nukes and Aerodynamics?
I thought it was the three branches of science? Dinosaurs, Nukes and Aerodynamics?
Compared to how many they sent and the at least public promise they wouldn’t really be fighting that’s a lot.
oof only a bronze in mental gymnastics from the judges over here, it appears they criticize the blatant reaching for straws and you know with them bold face ignorance never works.
haha ok incel
If this was true China would be losing its shit over american weapons rolling into the hands of a apparently minority political movement.
Roll my eyes, answer right in front of you and you’re still blind. Lmfao.
Nah straight up this women doesn’t deserve any of this flak and at this point people still memeing on her are fuckin dweebs
Why are these fuckin incels defending this shit lmfao. Grr hat dance wimen?
“The reason we did that is because we were notified that there were applications from other parties trying to trademark my name and image for commercial purposes,”
No. Do not let anyone copyright someone else’s name. What the fuck are you doing?
I didn’t even say he wasn’t killed.
in other part because of poor reading comprehension
uh huh
how old are you Mr jumps to defend what the article says and then backpedal?
They just fell out of a window. The news said. Supported by other state apparatuses.
Now I’m not really running around believing this kid was killed I truly dunno him or this situation enough but to read one article about something like this and just take it at face value isn’t it. Look at Boeing I think three whistleblowers died in connection to them, look at Edward Snowden, look at how people act in the Trump administration, they were afraid to be whistleblowers. There’s a slew of assassinations in the news.
I don’t think it was a suicide, it also could’ve been a suicide but to really plant your feet on your evidence being this article. I dunno bro I think it’s a little foolish.
Haha okay present your evidence
This isn’t proving a negative? Lol.
This whistleblower is dead, they would be suspect #1 along with close family and friends. This is literally what the first step of an investigation should look like.
Why is that important? No you assume they are/were killed until someone has some real fuckin proof about it
Conservative media won’t shut up about a non-story of Biden reducing a man’s sentence from 17 to 15.
Meanwhile Trump prepares to ruin America
So that makes you cool with a corporation copyrighting her image?
Some idiot online: Posts a complete fantasy retelling of this woman’s experience and thinks he’s funny for it.
A company tried to copyright HER image. She didn’t lie about anything. The first Olympic breakdancing went great, go watch the earliest MMA matches or child pageants.
You’re being told how to think by the news and accepting it at the cost of sounding pretty misogynistic, which I don’t say lightly. Either you mock this woman cause you’re a corporate boot licking asshole or you go “ha woman bad” like there’s no other position.
And all for what? an Internet laugh? Grow up idiot.
Used to party at one of those friend’s houses where everyone hangs out. Was in a thing with someone on the down low and another girl who frequented the place expressed an interest in dating me while my partner was there in the room.
I was a deer in headlights when my partner just slid over and casually said “well we’re kind of a thing but you’re hot so…” and we all looked at each other in a well what now? Kinda way.
what wrong did she do lmfao
no Sony makes garbage people still like a good movie regardless
GoG 3, the animated Spider-Man movies, animated watchman movies, the Batman. Are all fantastic movies
they were copyrighting HER likeness
Absolutely not. Grow up