Love me some old games.

  • Duke Nukem connoisseur
  • Doom lover
  • Lemmings ally
  • Commander Keen stan

Retrolemmy Admin


  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • The thing with win9x on dosbox pure is that it makes a hard drive image running the os. Then you have to mount the image of the game to install it. This means you probably have to make a different image with the os and the game installed auto running during startup for every seperate game.

    I don’t think there’s an easy and disk space efficient way to do this unfortunately.

    As for installing windows 98, you have to create a hard disk image with imgmake first. Then you have to mount the boot disk as floppy, and the windows cd as cd rom drive. Only then can you install windows 98. You don’t need a boot floppy only if you have the OEM Full edition.

  • Implying that Kubrick isn’t a genius in his own right.

    Stephen King wrote a lot of stories. Not saying that a lot of them aren’t good. But it feels, to me, like he’s been throwing a lot of shit at the wall to see what sticks with a lot of years even releasing multiple books in a year. The man is a machine, with some good stories sometimes.

    Kubrick’s movies on the other hand have been classics for the most part. And yes, that includes the Shining.