• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Do a background search on this asshole. He is one more hypocrite.

    Him and his wife already had an abortion - that’s fine IMO but fuck him for telling everyone else how to manage their reproductive rights.

    He’s a crook too. Shocker right? A fishy Republican? All the news sites here in NC have been doing reports on his business practices over the last several years - prior to him getting in government and apparently paying Federal income taxes wasn’t part of his MO.

    Of course he has played it up like ‘poor me I couldn’t afford it’ and blamed all his losses on NAFTA. The guy is a real piece of work. He makes no mistakes it’s all someone else’s fault.

  • Erasmus@lemmy.worldOPtoGardening@lemmy.worldGrow Light Question
    3 months ago

    Sorta. I finally gave up searching and just got one of these that you can find online and in HD stores:


    It seems to work but I had to do some experimenting first about location and the like.

    I initially set it up just a few feet from the plants like what I read both with the light and online. The plants grew like mad but I also noticed the leaves began looking like they were burnt.

    I ended up moving the light to about 10 or so feet away and turning it so it was not quite direct on them. I put it on a timer for just four hours and left the overhead light on during daylight hours for regular light (I have them in the garage now during winter months).

    The leaves on my avocado trees now look like a wet glossy sheen. So something seems to be working.

    I’ve barely fertilized them - maybe once every three or four weeks or I will give them some citrus plant fertilizer but otherwise they seem to be growing well.

    In another couple weeks I will move them back outside.