Das klingt wie Jugendsprache von vor 10 Jahren. Heb weder Klette noch klammern in dem Kontext so gehört. Wenn die Person unter 25 ist, wird sie es wahrscheinlich nicht verstehen.
Das klingt wie Jugendsprache von vor 10 Jahren. Heb weder Klette noch klammern in dem Kontext so gehört. Wenn die Person unter 25 ist, wird sie es wahrscheinlich nicht verstehen.
Just for the record, it’s not like GOP pollsters are biasing polling models as they all account for house factors and partisanship. The Iowa poll is an outlier. That doesn’t mean it has to be wrong, it’s a good sign and outliers should be published as well. But it’s not like all other polls are fake.
Go vote!
Ich würde es einfach anpassen und anders ausdrücken:
Ich finde es anstrengend, dass du mich nicht auch mal in Ruhe lässt, sondern die ganze Zeit mit mir schreiben / reden willst. Kannst du vielleicht mal etwas Abstand nehmen und mir Freiraum lassen?
What Locktober and NNN do to a mf
The stock market averages are only true if you look at it for a really long time, like 30-40 years. In 10 years, the value can definitely go down a lot, but if you view it for the long-term, it will still be an improvement.
I understand that looking at it like that is unnerving though.
This might be a hot take (that’s why I put it in a separate comment), but I think that the system is bad doesn’t mean (in my personal opinion) that it’s morally wrong to use it, at least if you take care that you don’t invest in really awful stuff like coal. Especially since the rich ones use it, not using it just leads to a bigger gap between poor and rich. Living and wanting to improve the society doesn’t mean having to reject it.
(I’m open for any arguments though.)
I dislike the stock market. In the end, just like in capitalism, most of the companies profiting the well, are just the ones screwing over their customers the most. Of course there are exceptions, but that’s the system. You only earn money if customers have to always pay more, not for the lightbulb that never pay. Focusing the economy on the stock market and its wellbeing denies the basic facts that we have a finite earth and that maybe the companies shouldn’t be maximising the profits but rather look for their customers. It’s sad, but the less you care about ethics, the easier it is to make money.
… Pumpkin
Lol Leuten, die angegriffen werden, nicht zu helfen sondern unsolidarisch daneben zu stehen und zu sagen “Ergebt euch einfach und werdet eingenommen” und damit zu akzeptieren, dass Menschenrechte in einer barbarischen Art und Weise wie beim Butscha-Massaker misshandelt werden und den Oppressor noch dafür zu belohnen, dass es keinerlei Konsequenzen gibt und er dies jederzeit wiederholen kann, ist nicht links.
It’s weird that this is public record
Statistically, that’s just not true. Just look at the differences from the polls, the margin between Harris and Trump has moved quite some percentage points back and forth. E.g. after RFKs endorsement, more undecided voters went to Trump and after the debate, more went back to Harris.
In the primary
I think Gates is worse than Zuckerberg
Can you like, genuinely, explain? I have no idea what you’re talking about
Fun fact: I literally was in New York (City) and did cross streets there!
What a nice poll
The most infuriating US thing to me
If they don’t know about it, it doesn’t make sense though, does it?