The CTO at my last job was pulling down millions a year despite barely knowing anything about anything, and being little more than a glorified bully. He got there via project management, after all.
The CTO at my last job was pulling down millions a year despite barely knowing anything about anything, and being little more than a glorified bully. He got there via project management, after all.
I resemble that remark.
That was absolutely beautiful.
I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.
That’s what she said.
begrudging upvote
You ever try emptying your clip at an entire Ikea?
No… but you probably just aroused a few dozen ammosexuals.
SciShow did a piece (partially) about this recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXEFQH5UXHQ
And Veritasium did a deeper dive a while back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA
The whole situation is thoroughly fucked up, but hey, as long as people are making money amirite? 😑
I love Nightwish, and this is a great cover.
Many moons ago, I was in an IRC room when power metal came up. Someone started talking about Elvenpath, so I went and looked up the band. “Huh, this is pretty good.” So the first three albums went into my rotation. Then a few years later I saw a music video someone put together using 10th Man Down and footage from 08th MS Team and was freakin floored.
Edit: just posted the video over in [email protected] if anyone is interested
Getting a heat pump has been on my want-to-do list for years. But even though my furnace is aging, it still works so it’s been hard to justify while there were other issues going on. Accelerating adoption is only going to make the process easier when the time comes.
The year is After Colony 195. With high expectations, human beings leave Earth to begin a new life in space colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers, and soon seizes control of one colony after another in the name of Justice and Peace.
I am now the pilot of a Leo.
Same, except I did watch the last episode. Agreed on Jet (perfection), and Julia/Vicious (what the everloving fuck). Spike and Faye were fine. Even with the missteps, I was still willing to see where they were taking it, if given time for a few course corrections. But they hit that cancel button pretty much immediately.
Engineer Guy went years between books uploads. I had to do a double take when he came up in my feed a few months ago.
This is why I own most of star trek on dvd. Cant take that away from me.
I was so disappointed when the HD remasters stopped. I snapped up TOS, Animated, TNG, and all the movies on Blu-ray (replacing DVDs in the case of the movies and TNG) despite them being available on Netflix at the time. I was really looking forward to catching up with DS9 and Voyager the same way since I was only able to catch them sporadically when they were airing… but no, it seems these are doomed to remain in SD purgatory.
Live with underlying existential dread for decades. Watch as “doing what you love” becomes “hating what you used to love because you’re forced to do it so that there’s enough numbers in the computer to prove that you’re worthy of continued existence.” Contemplate the pointlessness of it all on a daily basis. Be reminded that your feelings are invalid because “other people have it worse” every time the topic comes up. Nod listlessly as “successful” people tout their own hard work while ignoring any factor luck and privilege played, then tune out when they shift into the dissonant duet of “I succeeded because I am exceptional” and “anyone can do the same if they just work harder.”
Wake up the next morning and realize there’s roughly 30 more years of this, barring a massive coronary or aneurism or something.
Is it weird, as a tail end gen x/elder millennial, to really hope Lehrer was right about this one?
That was my thought as well.