Natürlich ist das Beispiel gleich wieder Kampfjets. Denn das ist die Industrie die Alles kontrolliert.
Natürlich ist das Beispiel gleich wieder Kampfjets. Denn das ist die Industrie die Alles kontrolliert.
Well there’s hope that it incentivices the American people to revolt or revolution. So…yay?
Just take the T
Da hast du Recht. Aber das fehlende Gehalt, Anerkennung und die schlechten Bedingungen führen auch dazu dass weniger Menschen den Beruf machen wollen/können. Und dann ist es ein Fachkräftemangel. Das Problem wurde dann so “behoben” indem man einfach allen möglichen anderen Berufsgruppen zugesprochen hat dass die jetzt auch Kinderbetreuung machen können… Also haben wir immer mehr schlecht ausgebildete Menschen…
Wieso setzt du Fachkräftemangel in Anführungszeichen?
Alle die sagen dass Kinder das wichtigste für Deutschland wären, haben noch nie richtig in Grundschulen geschaut. Ich arbeite in einer völlig durchschnittlichen Grundschule und alles ist so wie das Klopapier. Es ist kaputt, heruntergekommen, schmutzig, billig, überfüllt…
Don’t worry. The others will follow their big daddies. Germany will probably follow. And with Germany, must of the EU, unless they want to anger Germany and not get any funding…
“raises risk of war”???!? The ATTACK raises the risk of war?! How deluded must someone be to write that. Is it not war if a nation straight up shoots missiles at another country??
Das ist fast ein guter Beitrag. Vieles richtig erkannt.
I know your point. Access to professional help is a privilege that few have.
I think next best thing is socialising. There’s probably groups in your area (see social media for that, meetup, Facebook, forums) that meet up and talk. I highly recommend in-person meetings. Also I tried giving my body some help with food. Carbs give you some serotonin.
Damn that’s a strong text. Thank you for that. That really moved me
The more I aged, the more “hopes and dreams” I gave up on. I guess that’s the normal human experience. You might want to be a pro in sports or a dancer or a famous doctor…but then you grow out of the age where reaching those is possible (dancing goes first…).
Other than that, I’ve given up on so many hopes, only to then later get back to them. Like the hope of connecting to people, or to make art, to teach,…those and more are things I gave up on and later readopted.
So give up hope, but it might just come back :)
ooof where to begin? literally NOBODY ignored the war in Ukraine. there are no “leftists” that agree with russias war on ukraine. There’s idiots who do.
and “started by hamas”?! really? ignoring the fact that Hamas is literally founded and funded by Israel, they didn’t start the genocide. Israels expansion into the west bank has been going on since 1947.
yeah you just have to not work so you can take care of your kids and elders yourself. of “people you know” will just do it for free? how about teachers? how about daycare?
Have you looked into alternative production companies? Erika Lust is my go-to for queer, feminist, equality-focused, fair porn. They have some stuff that’s specifically catered to bisexuals, too. Try it out
I usually just use a nearby shop to get my pictures printed. If I need anything better, I order online
Imagine saying “it dishonours the victims” to one of the actual victims
Remember how many people made fun of those bumper stickers that said “when the last tree has been felled” and stuff like that? Yeah seems like they were right. It “may” represent a turning point, after a hurricane…
Just to say: this is what AI is useful for. It can translate the whole thing to an okay standard if you want it to.
That’s from the ISRAELI maker of the movie. Who feels unsafe in Germany. But his movie documenting the real going-ons is antisemitism? Fuck off, Germany. Sincerely, a German.