Just a silly feller

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • If anyone genuinely enjoys this you can check my comments for a very spicy way too long argument we’re both way too involved in. TRIGGER WARNING: I am a vegan and it is about that, but also not really?

    Also no more vegan arguments for me tonight, let’s just keep the argument about that one guys mum.

  • Obviously I’d prefer it if you didn’t eat animals but I’m actually chill with just being more mindful about what you support. If you’re going out of your way to try and minimise the harm you’re doing then that’s better than most people.

    And at least you recognise the environmental harm. The only thing that really annoys me is people lying about these things.

  • I didn’t choose to ignore anything. I just have a life outside of being an annoying vegan.

    You already knew what I was going to say, though. I’m personally against wool products because they breed sheep specifically to grow unhealthy amounts of wool and once the few good coats they have in them are gone they send them off to be killed for food anyway.

    Sheep can also be mistreated during the shearing process, and since shearers are often paid per sheep they’re incentivised to rush through them.

    I’m not going to use the word rape here since I don’t think it applies.

    Have I activated any trap cards?

  • I guess I don’t agree with you. If I buy a product that specifically requires the death of an animal I would feel like I am responsible for the death of that animal and monetarily incentivising the death of other animals.

    If I pay a hitman to kill someone I am not innocent of murder.

    You don’t get to support an industry that kills animals and then say you’re not responsible for the death of animals.

  • Without getting into a semantics debate on what rape is. The reason the word is used is because dairy cows are impregnated by fisting the cows asshole and stimulating their cervix before squirting a semen gun into their vagina. The cows cannot consent to this so the word rape is used. Some people might not consider it rape for whatever reason and yes, the word was probably chosen to be provocative. But that’s the explanation.