insert Spiderman meme
insert Spiderman meme
Is this the one that trained on the personal data of all US citizens?
A gigantic desert island full of deadly beasts where all of the commonwealth’s worst criminals are sent? What could go wrong
These give me such warm, cosy, nostalgia feelies
Or is it exactly the reason Sam Altman was ready to line up for the inauguration with bribe in hand?
Looks like he needs some sugar in water in that picture
The forbidden pepperoni
$10,000 and my ass eaten? Sold.
The planes got too gay with each other
Oh hey, perfect timing, I just founded this new AI startup. Where do I sign up for the money please?
It is stated as 51% problematic, so maybe your coin flip was successful this time.
I don’t like the mental image that comes from the assumption behind this action:
Trump’s mouth is so wet that McDonalds paper straws aren’t strong enough hold up to his sucking
What a weird timeline we live in where a black man can make money selling half a million Nazi t-shirts to football fans.
A mere drop in the bucket when 77m have decided on a much worse course of action in another country.
Oh to be so rich that getting high at the dentist could result in buying superbowl ad space and shooting said ad immediately on selfie cam.
I probably wouldn’t use the ad space to sell a mega basic Nazi t-shirt though…
You need to see the corkboard with all the red string to see the full explanation.
Mind blowing. My mind is blown. Why aren’t people blaming Kamala for what Trump is doing? I just don’t get it.
It’s kind of funny to call yourself a patriot and then go to a convention with people from other countries, who also call themselves patriots, and then proceed to pat each other on the back about how good other countries are doing.
Ukrainian president keen to speak to Trump before Putin does
Good luck with that. Zelinskiy getting in between BFFs
I tried to sell my furry eggs in the supermarket once but they called the police.