There are 5 times as many trans people in America as there are whyomingans.
There are 5 times as many trans people in America as there are whyomingans.
This is my favorite part of the old web.
Yeah, that’s why I brought it up, Meta is kind of a shit company.
No, mostly just regular posts, meta just decided that being trans is “political”.
I have seen trans creators in IG reporting that they are being filtered by this setting, so that’s not great.
Shouldn’t this start with 3.5 billion years Ago: TNG All Good Things…?
An actual chronological edit of all star trek would be fun, opens with two scenes of Picard yelling at Q in the mud, jump forward to data hanging out with Mark Twain, then the Guardian of forever and Enterprise fighting Time travelers in WW2. then you have the DS9 Crew messing around in Roswell NM, then the events of the Journey Home.
I’m probably missing a few.
You don’t even need to leave .world, you can subscribe to communities on other instances.
Yes, a large portion of the episode takes place in the towers.
It’s a great book if you can get past that to the first line of the book.
It’s not the earliest episode I saw, but it is on that definitely dates you if you saw it on TV, they haven’t had it in syndication for 23 years.
“We are all susceptible to the pull of viral ideas. Like mass hysteria. Or a tune that gets into your head that you keep humming all day until you spread it to someone else. Jokes. Urban legends. Crackpot religions. Marxism. No matter how smart we get, there is always this deep irrational part that makes us potential hosts for self-replicating information.” ― Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash
I saw “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson” on TV.
they say on the platform that exploded because Reddit decided to Spez.
Discovery season 4 once they get outside the galaxy, is amazing, seeking out new life and new civilization, discovering a novel method of communication, and solving a galaxy spanning threat by talking.
could also be a reflection of male privilege.
I’m going to assume that Women was supposed to be in Italics.
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Yes very human readable. All the “benefits” blockchain are in a properly managed database, but the database takes about the power of 3 or 4 lightbulbs to manage, the Blockchain takes as much power as Ireland.
AGI Artificial General Intelligence doesn’t exist that is what people think of in sci-fi like Data or Hal. LLM or Large Language Models like CHAT GPT are the hallucinating chat bots, they are just more convincing than the previous generations. There are lots of other AI models that have been used for years to solve large data problems.
NFTs aren’t the solution to this, public read access to the database is.
The UN’s purpose is
“To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;”- United Nations Charter, Chapter I: Article 1: Section 1
the other sections reference international friendship and equal rights, but section 1 is the meat f why it exists, the UN was created after two World Wars, it’s primary goal is to prevent a third and has so far been overwhelmingly successful.