• 12 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • It is and I could. I’d be fine doing it, but why not just read them when they come up in [email protected]? I’ve been trying not to create communities that are going to be duplicates or spam, or split the user base between one way of reading articles and another way of reading articles. Do you want it as a DM, maybe?

    I think an even better way would be software that can follow the original Wordpress feed, if they have one, but Lemmy can’t do that right now.

  • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOPtoFediverse@lemmy.worldFollow RSS feeds from Lemmy
    1 month ago

    Not a problem at all. I think a better way to do that will be to let moderators of existing communities add the bot to their existing communities. Someone asked about doing that, and it’s easy to set up the bot to make it possible, so I think I’ll just do that instead. I don’t need to create a duplicate community for anything that’s already got one.

    I’m fine with the existing structure, with one community per periodical. I tried [email protected] and [email protected] and it looks like some people are into that type of structure, but I’m thinking mostly in terms of one-periodical communities or moderators from off-instance communities being able to add things.

    Are there any that you would cherry-pick that you think you would personally use? I’d be perfectly willing to add them, if so.

  • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOPtoFediverse@lemmy.worldPaywall content for rss.ponder.cat
    1 month ago

    Than there is problem with I don’t trust media will write the truth anyway, so giving them few bucks will probably not change that. But it is important for us to know what other people know.

    Are there any media sources that I’m hosting feeds for which you feel that way about? I think the problem is much worse in a lot of free content, and I’ve been trying to bring in honest and high-quality sources when I’m adding news sources.

    While this is outside of our current discussion, they need to find better model.

    If it is a daily newspaper, maybe paywal new articles and release after sone reasonable time (like a week, or month… or a year).

    I don’t understand, can you explain more?

    Edit: I understand now. That’s outside the scope of my abilities… I would like to be able to offer a paid subscription with a deal that provides access to a wide variety of paywalled content, like a site license at a university, but I think that’s also outside the scope of my abilities. You’re right that they need a better model.

    I like your idea of separating feeds, to keep paywalled content out of my feed.

    It seems like a good compromise. I certainly understand that if someone’s decided not to read paywalled content, putting a lot of it into their Lemmy feed in a way that’s difficult to disable isn’t a good thing to do. I think separating the paywalled content into a separate user so it’s easy to block is probably a good pragmatic solution.

  • Most of the most popular RSS communities are free. I like some of them that are paywalled and a little way down the list, like [email protected] and [email protected], but most of the top ones are free. One of the really nice things about one community per source is that you know which ones to subscribe to and which ones you’d have to pay for that you can block.

    If you don’t know the New York Times has a paywall, and you click on a link to them, that’s a learning experience for you at this point. I think some of the griping about paywalls is just entitled. It’s okay if people made content for you and they want to get paid. At the same time, I’m not trying to spam people who don’t want paywall content. If I can make a quality-of-life improvement for people who don’t want to get burned by paywalls on random links from places they’ve never heard of, then fine.

    I also want to give shout-outs to some feeds that are way, way down and trying to charge money for very high quality stuff:

  • I completely agree. Maybe my phrasing was careless. I wasn’t trying to be critical of the pace of accepting PRs or anything. I only meant that I think more flexibility in the frontend would help, instead of needing any minor UI change to go all the way through a cycle all the way up to you, incorporating it into the core codebase, and then filtering back down to an upgrade by the instance admin. But please don’t take it as blaming you for any of that situation. I was raising it in the effort to propose a solution and also to advocate against people just complaining about the moderation tools and then moving on, and waiting for you to make them happy.

    I did look at the backend plugin system PR, although sadly not enough yet to have any opinion or feedback on it. I do think a frontend plugin system, of sorts, could help a lot. I’m not sure when I will have time but I will try to put together something on this instance to show what I’m talking about, and if I do wind up doing it and it’s well received, I am completely open to putting it together as a fixed-up and official PR for the main codebase.

  • I think hackability can go a long way towards this.

    Especially on the frontend, there’s no reason Lemmy shouldn’t have custom “plugins” to change its behavior in certain ways. I think the issue isn’t that the Lemmy developers don’t want these things to exist that you’re talking about, so much as them being the only ones in a position to make the changes or accept the PRs to make them happen. Of course in that situation, change will be slow and progress limited.

    Me making changes to the frontend that intensive, or anything like it, was a bigger scope of change than I was expecting. I just wanted to make some tinkering things for my instance. But it wouldn’t be impossible. And you could have your charts. Even little blinking lights and things.

    Let me mull it over for a while.