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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • I’ll be a contrarian and throw in my vote for the second game - it’s rushed and flawed and the asset reuse is blatant to the point of being legendary, but the setting and story are the best and most original of these 3 games. Just being a hero of one single city instead of the entire world is surprisingly refreshing.

    In general I’d say that 1 has the best combat/tone, 2 has the best setting/story, 3 has the best characters. I’ve heard that 3 can be quite enjoyable if you pretty much only do the main story and companion quests - but I wouldn’t know, I’m one of the poor fools who got stuck in the Hinterlands, and that mistake + the very underwhelming main story sapped my will to continue playing.

  • I had a N3DS, it was my first handheld and it was great! Really good selection of games. My most played were Monster Hunter Generations (which was my introduction to the series) and Fantasy Life - one of my absolute faves, a charming and colorful fantasy adventure with life sim elements. The story is a bit meh but the gameplay loop is incredibly satisfying and there’s nothing else quite like it. I’ve been replaying it on an emulator (rip Yuzu/Citra devs) recently and it’s still a blast.

  • Nothing quite like Hardspace: Shipbreaker, but farming games/life sims often fill this niche for me. The classic one to recommend is Stardew Valley, I also really like Graveyard Keeper, Slime Rancher and Fantasy Life (3ds, works well on emulators).

    ARPGs (Diablo style, so kill stuff to get loot to get your numbers up to kill bigger stuff) can be nice zone out games too, I recommend Grim Dawn (going to get an expansion soon, quite complex), recently released Last Epoch (very enjoyable, but might want to hold off for a while if you want to play online - the servers are a mess right now), and Chronicon (most casual of these three, very cheap, colorful explosions across the screens).

    Other games I’ve tagged as “Space Maintenance” : Planet Crafter (pretty chill number go up/building kind of game where you’re slowly making a planet livable), Deep Sixed (short roguelike, try to keep a ship together enough to get through the game, very hectic and no progression between runs so may not be what you’re looking for), Delta V Rings of Saturn (top down space mining).

  • I was in the mood for a) something that won’t require a lot of thinking and b) something high fantasy. So… I started The Way of Kings. I’m not Sanderson’s biggest fan, but I can’t deny that it’s a very quick and fun read (despite its monstrous size). No thoughts, just get swept up in the world and enjoy.

    The storm-based worldbuilding is very cool. Coincidentally, I’ve been playing Against the Storm a lot. Very interesting how a similar base idea (what if we had a world ruled by a cycle of storms?) can go in such different directions.

    Spoilery thoughts:


    I mostly like all of the main characters so far! Dalinar took a long time to grow on me (mostly because I share Kaladin’s burning hatred towards Lighteyed nobility and he is a part of the system), Shallan I immediately liked but I’m worried that if she doesn’t change/go through some character growth she could become annoying in future books. Kaladin is honestly the least interesting character-wise - I like reading his chapters because he is in the most immediately desperate situation and is Going Through It ™ but he’s just a bit too perfect. Y’know. Surgeon, gifted spearman, naturalborn leader, some kind of a wizard… at 19 years old. Sigh.

    And boy oh boy do I hope that the eye colour-based caste system will get dismantled/at least critically examined in some detail cause… ouch. Kaladin is so right in hating on it. But I’m not holding my breath.