This. Most antivaxxer dipshits are vaccinated because their parents were smarter than that.
This. Most antivaxxer dipshits are vaccinated because their parents were smarter than that.
Another “I don’t understand how he could do XYZ, he gave assurances” incoming. I too want to be paid nicely to not understand anything.
Hey CNN, wanna interview those protest voters again?
Edit: fixed wording.
They “believe Trump is bluffing. He’s using this proposal as some sort of the negotiation tactic. This is not going to happen”. Direct quote. That’s it.
I watched it so you don’t have to.
I don’t know how planned it was, but Kushner was on record saying that Gaza strip is prime beachfront property and should be used for development accordingly.
In a district that Trump carried +21%.
The irony is they’re only letting some users fight information wars, others get censored.
ACLU is already suing and will continue to do so. Another great one to support which is not on this list is the National Network of Abortion Funds.
Sanders is already cozying up to Trump, I wouldn’t let him or his campaign manager anywhere near the DNC.
It will still require some legal effort to get overturned. Trump cannot just override anything he wants overnight.
Folks, please don’t obey in advance like everything is lost forever and there’s nothing to do. Push back, help your neighbor, don’t give up. Somebody fought so we could have the things we have now, we can too.
He was legal later, when he finally got that h1b. At the beginning he was on a student visa that he very illegally overstayed, then paid to have things fixed.
He needs to implement all of this first, and it ain’t happening on the first day. People talk about it like it’s already done. Don’t comply in advance.
I’ve seen an article yesterday about the fruit stand seller who sold this banana to him for 50 cents or so, and was shocked to find out how much this art costs.
NYT paying their editors and authors obscene money to understand politics and this is what they come up with. And it is all intentional.
You are right about people not caring, but he way it was presented mattered too. None of those were “front page above the fold” news, you’d have to dig down into the opinion section to find it.
NYT engaged in some of the most egregious sanewashing of Trump initiatives during his campaign and I will forever remember that.
Oh look NOW the media is asking questions they should have been asking months ago. If you have any kind of subscription to billionaire newspapers now is the time to give this money to local independent journalism.
And your solution to this is…?
I’ve been writing postcards and letters to voters. It’s a little too late to jump on the postcard wagon but letters can be written until 10/29. It’s super easy, you’re provided templates, instructions and addresses, you just need paper, envelopes and stamps.
I wrote a ton of both and it did wonders to distract me and give me something of purpose to do at the same time.
I’m pretty sure text banking and phone banking is still going on too.
I was trying to do the math on that one because my parents didn’t really tell me anything about mass epidemics, but I didn’t realize that the measles vaccine wasn’t introduced until 1963, when both of my parents were already toddlers.