• 90 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • The link buddy shared above that started this entire discussion says lasik is a solution to presbyopia….

    If you are an older adult considering LASIK, you might choose to have monovision to maintain your ability to see objects close up. With monovision, one eye is corrected for distant vision, and the other eye is corrected for near vision. Not everyone is able to adjust to or tolerate monovision. It’s best to do a trial with contact lenses before having a permanent surgical procedure.

    Why are you saying the exact opposite of what was linked? Got a source to back this claim up?

  • The link literally states you can get it later in life

    If you are an older adult considering LASIK, you might choose to have monovision to maintain your ability to see objects close up. With monovision, one eye is corrected for distant vision, and the other eye is corrected for near vision. Not everyone is able to adjust to or tolerate monovision. It’s best to do a trial with contact lenses before having a permanent surgical procedure.

    So the link buddy provided quite literally says your statement is factually incorrect. This is under the section for over 40 and that decease, maybe read the link like buddy said I should lmfao.

  • In October 2009, the FDA, the National Eye Institute (NEI), and the Department of Defense (DoD) launched the LASIK Quality of Life Collaboration Project (LQOLCP) to better understand the potential risk of severe problems that can result from LASIK. The project’s goal was to develop a tool for determining the percent of patients who develop difficulties performing usual activities following LASIK, and to identify predictors for those patients.

    The technology is leaps and bounds better than it was 15 years ago, got anything modern?

    And the risk of your eyes getting worse with glasses and contacts is worse than that, your eyes can’t get better without mechanical intervention, and glasses WILL deteriorate your vision further. It’s 100% with glasses and contacts.

  • Every procedure has that risk, even a routine vaccination or stitches, strange reason to pay for glasses and contacts forever.

    There are people who legitimately can’t get the surgery, but that’s obviously not who’s being discussed here.

    What’s the ratio on people being worse of for vision after? Cant make a claim like that and not provide some data.

    Glasses and contacts also don’t fix the issue and can lead to worse vision too, so arguably that’s non-factor in a discussion like this anyways.

    LASIK is the only chance to have a permanent fix. It’s a very important factor to consider, above and beyond the complications, that are also applicable to the glasses and contacts. I’ve not heard of many people’s vision getting better by their continual use.

  • Haha, there’s usually some pent up winter blues, so there’s no issues there. I’ve got almost 6 weeks I can work outside before I can plant veggies, but priorities frost, heat and critter protection was low on the list. After that, my dog passed and we decided to change the plan for under the deck and make it a dog run, so that became the priority and by the time that was done my hands were too sore to and I’ve got a puppy to bond and train anyways.

    The frost protection should allow me to take advantage of that 6 weeks outside though, and I’m also planning on a greenhouse and/or a cold frame for next year. Christmas gifts maybe :D

  • 100% was my intention, I’ve got the 3/4 pvc and the fittings, my health just got in the way. I can’t get my steroid shots for my carpal tunnel for another 2-3 weeks.

    But yeah, I was gonna run some PVC up about 3-4 feet and make sections that could be propped up to work in. I could put poly in for frost, and some mesh for bugs critters as well.

    It’s also just some carrots left other than the struggling tomatoes and other plants, so not entirely sure it would be worth the effort now. If I did it earlier in the year to help with the late frost and get swings, totally another story.

    So I’m super looking forward to what I can do next year hopefully, but depending on when my surgery is, that could throw a wrench anyways.