• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • You notice how you go completely outside the context of this situation?

    Let’s say Hillary was on trial and we had a situation like Trump’s. If Republicans did this exact orchestration of complaints I guarantee you this sub would be screeching about obstructing justice and anything else related.

    I feel like you’re going to have a hard time sticking to the context of this situation and not go about what Republicans have already done which I know and understand but that doesn’t mean we should be doing bullshit like this.


    It obviously did nothing good. It never was going to. What was the point of it? Why cheer it on? Why not just let Jack Smith corner her like he obviously is doing and not interfere?

    Please tell me how this was actually a good thing vs just bad overall. It’s extremely hypocritical for us to raise pitchforks toward the right about everything they do and then cheer something like this on. Sure, it’s not as low as the right has gone but that does not give any reason for why this was the right thing to do over just letting Jack do what he’s doing.

    Now complaints can’t even be sent in. Way to go Democrats. You blocked off all complaints for a judge about something we all know she’s doing. So now if there is anything new to complain about, shit outta luck.

    Like, cmon dude. You’re allowed to be critical of your own political party. Just because Republicans have done what they have doesn’t mean we should start doing shit like this.

  • Congrats, look what You’ve done


    You think this actually did anything good? Seriously? If there was a case against Democrats and Republicans did this exact same thing you guys would be spewing about how they’re trying to stop justice and messing with the legal system. Nothing good was done by this.

    And yes, you can actually be a Democrat but see outside the echo chamber of social media. How about you let Jack Smith do what he’s trying to do and not allow this bullshit to be cheered on.

    Now please tell me why I can’t be a Democrat just because I decide to call something out that obviously will do no good for anyone? I would love to hear it. It’s crazy how if you don’t fit all the criteria on social media of the echo chamber you suddenly can’t be what you claim. It’s so hypocritical, especially for Democrats to say shit like that

    Guess what? You’re actually allowed to criticize your own political party believe it or not. The Democratic party isn’t supposed to be a cult but when you aren’t even allowed to criticize your own party it really starts to look like one doesn’t it?

  • Yup. I use THC, CBD, and CBG everyday. Trust me, I don’t want any of this. But I wouldn’t be able to hold a job and be bed ridden without them and as per my neurologist and rheumatologist there isn’t any sign that my pain will change for years to come. It’s also different when you take them for chronic pain than recreationally. I don’t get high off them, I just get pain relief. It’s hard to get a high when you’re in constant debilitating pain

  • Meh. First Christmas since my full chronic pain has hit and knowing it’s not going away and the issues that arise with it. On the upside, I met with a new pain management doctor today and he actually cared for me. He is switching me from hydrocodone to oxycodone and told me that he is willing to up my dose a lot in the next few months because he doesn’t want to see a 26 year old be stuck in his apartment for another year due to pain. So that was a light in a very dark tunnel. As happy as I can be at the moment but my happiness is limited. One of those I’ll believe he will help me as much as he says when I see it the next few months. But, the switch is very hopeful in itself. Hopefully next Christmas I’ll be able to go on walks longer than one mile without having to deal with the miserable consequences under his pain regimen.